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Linton Research Fund, Inc., HOME PAGE Guest Book LINTON Gallery BIRD Gallery BLOG LINTON Traditional Lore BIRD Family Tree LINTON Family Tree Today's Birthdays & Anniversaries BIRD Chronicles Table of Contents BIRD Chronicles LINTON Chronicles BIRD Chronicles Membership LINTON Chronicles Membership SURNAME Index BIRD Ancestors in the Civil War 1861-1865 SURNAME Family Tree Menu How to become a Member LINTON Chronicles Table of Contexts Bird Ancestors in the Revolutionary War 1775-1783 LINTON Ancestors in the Civil War 1861-1865 LINTON Ancestors in the Revolutionary War 1775 to 1783 Kings & Queens in the LINTON & BIRD Family Tree LINTON Chronicles Pages Menu BIRD Chronicles Pages Menu

Welcome to the BIRD Chronicales

BIRD Chronicles Pages Menu

page established December 2008 foot-in-mouth 

Linton Research Fund Inc., Publication © 1987-2024 “Digging for our roots"

BIRD Chronicles Pages   

BIRD Family Tree 

BIRD Family Tree Branches Menu 

BIRD Table of Contents Menu 

Washington's Crossing of the Delaware River Battle of Trenton Colonel Mark BIRD (1739-1812) 

 Three Signers of the Declaration of Independence & One Signer of the Constitution  in our Bird Family Tree 

Direct BIRD Ancestral Line  

Ancestors of Jeff Augustus Gus BIRD (1893-1954)  

Clara Myrtle GRAY-SADLER Bird (1900-1988) Ancestors 

Past BIRD Articles from the BIRD Chronicles  

Lady "Godiva" GODGIFU (980-1067) 28th great-grandmother of Clara Myrtle GRAY-SADLER Bird (1900-1988) 

Bird Family Migration Routes Project 

Descendants of William BIRD (1706-1761) Surname List 

Ironmaster William BIRD (1706-1761) Esquire  3nd great-grandfather of Jeff Augustus Gus BIRD (1893-1954)

Colonel Marcus "Mark" Bird (1738-1812) (Project)   2nd great-grandfather of Jeff Augustus Gus BIRD (1893-1954)  

(Little known Bird Family Facts)   

Interesting & unique names in our Bird family tree 

Our BIRD Ancestors in the Civil War 1861-1865 

Our BIRD Ancestors in the Revolutionary War 1775 to 1783  

Thomas BIRD Sr., (1600–1662) & Mary BELDEN (1600–1664)  just discovered “Irish emigrants” 

James BOWIE (1739-1789) Bird Descendants  

Our Oldest BIRD Ancestors 


BIRD Projects Page 

BIRD Ancestors Facts 

Patrick HENRY (1736–1799) Governor of Virginia  6th great-grand-uncle of Jeff Augustus "Gus" BIRD (1893-1954)

Who is having a Birthday or Anniversary Today 

LINTON & BIRD Chronicles This day in History 

How to become a Member of the BIRD Chronicles 

History of the Linton Research Fund In.c LINTON & BIRD Chronicles 

Visitors to LINTON & BIRD Chronicles Website 

LINTON & BIRD Master Files     

Linton Research Fund Inc., Favorite Links 

BIRD Chronicles Editor 

LINTON & BIRD Chronicles on Facebook    updated daily     


Editor Note:  From Terry Louis Linton,   I need some help Please, if any one finds a page that is not linked to anything or a page that needs to be updated or spelling errors and date errors, let me know here on the LINTON & BIRD BLOG or e-mail me at Terry  or comment on the LINTON & BIRD Chronicles Facebook page.   THANKS. Hope you enjoy.!

Linton Research Fund Inc., Publication © 1987-2024 “Digging for our roots"


“We exist because of our ancestors, let’s try not to forget them”

"That’s a beautiful and profound statement. Our ancestors’ experiences, struggles, and achievements have shaped the world we live in today. It’s important to honor and remember them, as they are a part of our history and identity”

Terry Louis Linton © 2012.