Bird Family Migration Routes
Bird Family Migration Routes Project
Terry Louis Linton © 2000
Linton Research Fund Inc., © 2009
LINTON & BIRD CHRONICLES, Volume IV, Issue 1, Spring 2009, ISSN 1941-3521
updated December 31, 2017
Editor Note: This project is a daily on-going-work-in-progress
We are continuing the documenting of the migration routes of the sixteen children of Jeff Augustus Bird (1893-1954) and Clara Myrtle Gray (1900-1988).
For many years, our BIRD Family could only be traced back to the New Amsterdam Colony, with my 6th great-grandfather & 6th great-grandmother, Andrew Bird, Jr. (1673-1722) & Mary Katrun "Kuver" Covert (1689-1723).
Dublin, Ireland
The newly discovered and documented 7th great-grandparents of Thomas Jefferson BIRD (1861-1931)
Thomas BIRD Sr., (1600–1662) & Mary BELDEN (1600–1664) “the Irish emigrants”
Massachusetts Bay Colony
Thomas BIRD Sr., (1600–1662) & Mary BELDEN (1600–1664) emigrated to Masschusetts in 1631. (Work-in-progress)
Hartford Colony
Our BIRD family line emigrated to America between 1626 and 1630. Thomas BIRD (1637-1713), of Duiblin, came by way of the Hartford Bay Company, and settled in the Hartford Colony. This is present day Hartford, Connecticut area. John took up the fur trapping and fur trading trades.
Fort Orange
The family moved west and settled in the Dutch Colony of Fort Orange. According to the records of Fort Orange, Thomas & John Bird, fur trappers, of Harford Colony had fur dealings with many French, Dutch, Swedish and English fur traders there. This area is the present day Albany County, New York.
New Amsterdam Colony
Thomas & John BIRD resettled thier familyies down to the New Amsterdam Colony, located on Manhattan Island, New York. They established thier fur trading business there. They moved the family and settled in the near by, Nassau Colony. John died on his plantation farm in Livingston, Nassau Colony, Long Island, New York.
East New Jersey Colony
My 6th great-grandfather & mother, Andrew BIRD (1673-1723) and Mary Katrun (Kuver) (Koevers) COVERT (1689-1723) resettled in the East New Jersey Colony. Andrew was born on his father’s plantation in Oyster Bay, Nassau Colony, Long Island, New York. Mary Katrun was born at Dutch Kills, Queens, Nassau Colony, Long Island, New York. Mary Katrun was of Danish and Swedish decent. The family resettled to Hopewell, on the Millstone River, in present day, Raritan, Somerset County, New Jersey.
Morlatton Colony
My 5th great-grandfather, Ironmaster, William BIRD (1706-1761), resettled in Morlatton Colony, Philadelipha County, Pennsylvania, now present day Berks County. William established Birdsboro in Berks County. This Bird Family Branch descendants, scattered out and settled in Virginia, North Carolina and South Carolina Colonies.
Shenandoah Valley Virginia
My 5th great-granduncles, Andrew BIRD III (1702-1749), John BIRD (1705-1756) and Abraham BIRD (1710-1750) all resettled their families to Augusta County, Virginia. They settled on Smiths Creek, on Craney Island, in what is Rockingham County Virginia. These Bird families established many iron furnaces, iron works and water grist mills in Virginia. After the first French and Indian War, this Bird Family Branch descendants scattered out to settle in Kentucky County, Ohio County, and Tennessee County, Virginia Colony
Georgia Colony
My 5th great-granduncle, Burgoin BIRD (1707-1767), established him self as a prominent person, in Hopewell, Millstone River, Raritan, Somerset County, New Jersey. Burgoin resettling his family to Black Creek, on the Ogeehee River, in Saint Phillips Parish, Bulloch County, Georgia Colony. This Bird Family Branch descendants scattered out to settle in Alabama and South Carolina.
Continuing Research
We are continuing the documenting of the migration routes of our BIRD and alined Families. To be continued! Terry L. Linton, January 5, 2018

Linton Chronicles a publication of the Linton Research Fund Inc.
Bird Chronicles a publication of the Linton Research Fund Inc.
New Amsterdam Colony