LINTON Ancestors in the Revolutionary War 1775 to 1783
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LINTON Ancestors in the Revolutionary War 1775 to 1783
Anestors of Kirk Louis LINTON (1914-1987)
page established June 2009

Revolutionary War shoulder drilling

LINTON Ancestors in the Revolutionary War 1775 to 1783
Ancestor and how they are related to Kirk Louis LINTON (1914-1987)
Linton Research Fund Inc., Publication © 1987-2023
updated October 15, 2023
The Forgotten Millwright, Isaiah LINTON (1739-1775) 3rd great-grandfather
Adjutant General Henry STONESTREET (1752-1812) 3rd great-grandfather
Privet John BOYD (1760-1829) 4th great-grandfather work-in-progress
Captain John MILLS (1755–1797) 4th great-grandfather
Privet Benjamin Franklin PADGETT (1755–1799) 4th great-grandfather work-in-progress
Privet William TYLER Jr. (1758–1829) 4th great-grandfather work-in-progress
Zedekiah LOVEJOY (1754-1817) 4th great-grandfather work-in-progress
Captain John Monroe LINTON (1730-1789) 5th great-grandfather work-in-progress
William Monroe LINTON (1732-1790) 5th great-granduncle work-in-progress
General William GRAYSON (1740–1789) Senator 4th great-granduncle
Lieutenant William KINCHELOE Sr., (1736-1797) 5th great-granduncle
Cousin President George Washington (1732-1798) 5th cousin six times removed
Jacob LATCH (1758-1845) 5th cousin three times removed work-in-progress
Cousin President James MONROE (1758-1831) 2nd cousin 5 times removed
Privet Hezekiah Silas LINTON (1748–1826) 6th cousin once removed Workin-progress
Captain John Hancock LINTON (1750-1836) 7th cousin 4 times removed
Editor Note: Work-in-progress We have over 280 documented ancestors that fought or were associated with the Revolutionary War from 1775 to 1783. I need some help getting them on the website.
Thanks, Please contact me at e-mail adress is
General George Washington (1732-1799) © Mount Vernon Ladies Association of the Union. the 5th cousin six times removed of Kirk Louis LINTON (1914-1987)
President James MONROE (1758-1831) Lithograph by Knapp circa 1987, second cousin five times removed of Kirk Louis Linton (1914-1987)
General William GRAYSON (1740-1789) Virginia Senator 4th great-granduncle of Kirk Louis Linton (1914-1987)
Jacob LATCH (1758-1845) 5th cousin three times removed of Kirk Louis Linton (1914-1987)
Washington Crossing the Delaware, oil painting by Emmanuel Leutze in 1851 in the Metropolitan Museum of Art.
Linton Research Fund Inc., Publication © 1987-2023 "Digging for our Roots"
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Linton Research Fund Inc., Publication © 1987-2024 “Digging for our roots”
LINTON & BIRD Chronicles
Established 1984
Quarterly Publication of the Linton Research Fund Inc.