Cousin President James MONROE (1758-1831)

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LINTON & BIRD CHRONICLES, Volume VIII, Issue 3, Fall 2013, ISSN 1941-3521

Cousin President James Monroe (1758-1831)


Did you Know, that Kirk Louis Linton (1914-1987) was the 2nd cousin 5 times removed of the 5th President of the United States, James MONROE (1758-1831). James’ grandaunt was Susanna MONROE (1693-1752). Susanna married William LINTON, Sr (1706-1733) in 1728, in Hamilton Parish, Prince William County Virginia. William LINTON and Susanna MONROE were the 4th great-grandfather and great-grandmother of Annie Lucretia Cronk (1888-1956) and the 5th great-grandfather and great-grandmother of Kirk Louis LINTON (1914-1987).

The progenitors of the (MUNRO) MONROE family is Lord Hector MUNRO (1480-1541) and Lady Catherine MACKENZIE (1480-?) They were the 13th great-grandfather and mother of Kirk Louis LINTON (1914-1987). Hector MUNRO was born in Fawside Castle Hill, Parish Fowlis, County Rosshire, Scotland and died in Fowlis, Perth, Scotland. Catherine MACKENZIE was born in Castle Donan, Parish Kintail, County Rosshire, Scotland and died in Fawside Castle Hill, Fowlis, Rosshire, Scotland. 1

The progenitor of our Virginia LINTONs (Lynton) family is John LINTON Esquire (1450-?) John is our oldest LINTON ancestor on the CRONK Branch of the LINTON tree is on the MILLS Branch of the Annie LINTON (1744-1798) of Hamilton Parish, Stafford County, Virginia Branch, Our present progenitor is John LINTON Esquire (1450-?) of Old Wynkill, Staffordshire, England. John is the 14th great-grandfather of Kirk Louis Linton (1914-1987). 2


James MONROE (April 28, 1758 July 4, 1831) was the fifth President of the United States, serving two terms from 1817 to 1825.


William Linton, Sr (1706-1733) and Susanna Monroe (1693-1752)

(4th great-grandfather of Annie Lucretia Cronk 1888-1956)

(5th great-grandfather and great-grandmother of Kirk Louis LINTON 1914-1987)

part of the Virginia LINTONs © 1995

Terry Louis Linton © 1995

Linton Research Fund Inc., Publication © 1995

LINTON & BIRD CHRONICLES, Volume V, Issue 2, Summer © 2010, ISSN 1941-3521


William LINTON Sr., (1706-1733) was the 2nd child of John LINTON (1670-1725) and Ann BARTON (1690-1734).

In 1706, William’s Linton ancestors were not new comers to the America colonies. William’s father, John LINTON Jr., (1670-1725) was born on his father’s, John LINTON Sr., (1645-1700) North Farnham tobacco Plantation, in old Northumberland County, Virginia, present day, Farnham, Westmoreland County. John Sr., was born on his father’s William LINTON (1618-1680) Farnham tobacco plantation. William was born at Kecoughtan, Elizabeth Cittie, old Princes Ann County, Virginia.

In 1609, William LINTON, Sr.’s (1706-1733) 2nd great-grandfather, Moses LINTON (1562-1622) the emigrant, immigrated from York, County Yorkshire, England to America. Moses and older his brother William LINTON (1560-1634) who were both carpenters by trade, were on board the Virginia Company’s flagship Sea Venture when it set sail in the summer of 1609 sailing to Jamestown. When the ships were blown off course, by a hurricane, also on board Sea Venture, were the leaders of the expedition, Sir Thomas GATES, Sir George SOMERS and Master William STRACHEY (1572-1621). The Sea Venture was shipwrecked on the uninhabited island of Somers Isles, now Saint Charles, Bermuda. The survivors eventually reached Virginia after building two small ships during the ten months they spent on the island. On 15 July 1610, William STRACHEY wrote his, now famous, eloquent letter to the "Excellent Lady" in England, about the Sea Venture disaster and his time at Jamestown.

William LINTON Esquire, (1590-?) later left the Kecoughtan, Elizabeth Cittie Colony and his brothers and resettled on Somers Isles. William became a sugarcane plantation owner there and left many Linton descendants including an island named after him, Linton Island.

Ann BARTON (1690-1734) was the daughter of Edward BARTON (1639-1711) and Ann GREEN (1640-1712) of old King George County, Virginia. Ann’s mother had married earlier Martin SCARLETT Jr., (1646-1698)

John LINTON (1670-1725) and Ann BARTON had eight known children. They were Moses LINTON (1705-1752) who married Susanna HANCOCK (1729-?), William (1706-1733), Elizabeth Linton (1709-?), who married Nathaniel ELLICOT, Ann LINTON (1710-1751) who married Scarlet HANCOCK (1708-1741), Frances LINTON (1712-1730), Constant LINTON (1714-?), she married George BRETT (1714-?). 3

John and Ann relocated to from their North Farnham Plantation (present day, Farnham, Westmoreland County) in 1690 to the Linton Neck Plantation on Marumsco Creek. John had rented and then inherited 509 acres of this plantation from his uncle Moses LINTON (1675-1729) of Occoquan Falls, which was located adjacent to Moses’ in-law, Martin SCARLETT (1620-1705 ) of Deep Hole Plantation, in old King George County, containing the old Mason ferry across the Occoquan River 4 (present day, Army Radio Station, Woodbridge, Prince William County, Virginia).

William LINTON (1706-1733) was born at his father’s Linton Neck Plantation, on Marumsco Creek, Copley Episcopal Parish, Westmoreland County, Virginia (in present day, Woodbridge, Prince William County, Virginia). In 1728, twenty-two year old, William married, the thirty three year old, widow Susanna MONROE Tyler (1695-1752). Susanna was the daughter of Andrew MONROE (1664-1708) and Eleanor SPENCE (1664-1708) of Monrovia Plantation, on Monroes Creek and old Linton Bay in old Northumberland County (now Westmoreland County), Virginia. Widow Susanna MONROE Tyler’s first husband, Charles TYLER (1695-1724) died at age twenty-nine, leaving Susanna his Stafford tobacco plantation (in present day, Woodbridge, Prince William County, Virginia) and five small children: Charles TYLER (1716-1767), Jane TYLER (1718-1761), Monroe TYLER (1718-?), Sallie TYLER (1720-1781) and John TYLER (1724-1792). 5

After William Linton’s father’s death, in 1725, and his mother’s death, in 1733/34, William became the guardian, of his sister, Letice LINTON (1726-?), and executor of his sister, Frances LINTON (1712-1733). William had inherited his father’s old Westmoreland County 509 acer Linton Neck Plantation. This plantation was then located in old Stafford County (present day, Woodbridge, Prince William County, Virginia) and his father’s newly acquired land grant of 384 acres located on Little Rocky Run (present day, Fairfax County, Virginia). 6

According to the Hamilton Parish Episcopalian Church records, of Westmoreland County, Virginia, William Linton and Susanna Tyler were married in 1728. William’s household family at this time included his mother and his guardian sister, two year old, Letice LINTON. Susanna’s household family at this time included her five Tyler children. William and Susanna had three children together. They were Ann LINTON (1728-?) She married Doctor NESBETT, John LINTON (1730-1775) he married Elizabeth ELLICOT(1732-?) and William LINTON Jr., (1732-1770) he married Mary. 7

William LINTON Sr. was appointed a Justice of Peace of old Stafford County in 1729. On April 27, 1731, William was appointed one first Commissioners of Peace Prince of William County of the newly formed county from Stafford County in 1731. His service in the office was short by his sudden death in 1733. William’s Will was among the lost records, ( lost in the Civil War) but part his estate account was later found in the Virginia Historical Society’s collections . It's entries, begun in late 1733, included payments for Frances Linton's estate, since I am (had) been her executor, They went to brother Moses, for his own share plus those of John and Letice (both still underage) and to George BRETT (abt 1700-?) for his wife Constance LINTON (1714-?). Most of these probate records are lost too, so a complete history can’t be written of the life of William LINTON (1706-1733) of Occoquan Falls, Northern Neck Virginia.

After William's LINTON death in late 1733, widow Susanna MONROE Tyler Linton married Captain Benjamin GRAYSON (1684-1758) in 1734. Benjamin, is first recorded in the Westmoreland County records in 1715. In 1731 Benjamin made a large land speculation grant on Limestone Creek near Kitchen Mountain in the Catoctin Mountain Range (present day Loudoun County, Virginia). On November 4, 1731, Benjamin was appointed a Commissioners of Peace of the newly formed Prince William County, which included his Limestone Creek land grant.

By the time he married widow Linton, he had already became, a successful Occoquan Falls merchant. Benjamin GRAYSON, was born circa 1684, in Scotland. In his eulogy, the Episcopalian Reverend, Scott said of Benjamin GRAYSON Sr., "He had come into the county from the lower parts of Virginia, his broad ax on his shoulder, that his industry and good management, his being executor to some good estates and his marrying a rich widow, had enabled him to acquire a large estate."

Benjamin brought into this marriage his successful business, being it his first marriage. Widow Susanna MONROE Tyler Linton brought with her nine children (including Letice LINTON) and her dower land rights to her two previous husband’s tobacco plantations. Benjamin acquired a small bakery at Occoquan Falls adjacent to Nathaniel ELLICOT and Elizabeth LINTON’s water gristmills on Occoquan River (present day Occoquan, Prince William County). Benjamin, turned this small bakery into a "successful merchant bakery from which "biscuits" were distributed throughout the colonial frontier." Benjamin reached the rank of Colonel of local Prince William County Virginia Militia, during this time of the French and Indian Wars.

By 1738, Benjamin had settled the accounts of his Tyler guardian children, sons Charles, Monroe and John TYLER received the sum of 46 pounds, 12 shillings and one pence from their father, Charles TYLER’s estate (1695-1724). His daughter Jane’s share went to her husband, James LOVELL and Sally’s went to her husband Francis JACKSON. 8

Benjamin GRAYSON and Susanna MONROE Tyler Linton had four children together. They were Benjamin GRAYSON Jr. (1735-1768) he married Elizabeth OSBORNE (1736-?), Episcopalian Reverend Spence GRAYSON (1740-1798) he married Mary Elizabeth WAGENER (1740-?), Colonel William GRAYSON (1742-1789) he married Eleanor SMALLWOOD (1743-?) and Elizabeth "Susanna" Monroe GRAYSON (1743-1780) she married John ORR (1726-?).

Benjamin built a new dwelling for their growing family of Tylers, Lintons and Graysons, Belle Aire. This plantation house was located on the old Linton Neck Plantation on a high mound on Marumsco Creek over looking Linton Bay (present day Occoquan Bay). Benjamin GRAYSON’s Belle Aire Plantation now containing over a thousand acres.

The Belle Aire Plantation dwelling was burned to the ground, during the second battle of Bull Run if you’re a southerner or the second battle of Manassas, if you’re a northerner, during the Civil War. The battle was fought on August 28th through the 30th of 1862. The dwelling was approximately twenty miles from the battle field. The core of the current structure is believed to be built on the remaining foundation of Belle Aire plantation house. The Grayson family tomb vault, similar to George Washington’s tomb vault, lies in the meadow, below the now existing structure, marked with a small Daughters of the American Revolutionary War marker.

After Susanna MONROE Tyler Linton Grayson’s death at age fifty nine, on "November 8, 1752, Mrs Grayson, Colonel Monroe’s sister died." 9 Susanna was buried in the Grayson family tomb vault. Benjamin GRAYSON, in 1748, married the rich Widow Sarah BALL Ewell (1700-?). Sarah brought into the marriage her dower rights to her late husband, Major Charles Ewell’s (1713-1747) 800 acer plantation and their two children Frances EWELL and Jesse EWELL (1743-1805). Sarah BALL Ewell was a first cousin of William Linton Sr. (1706-1733). Benjamin lived for another six years and died in 1758. He was buried next to Susanna at their Bell Aire Plantation vault.



1. The Virginia LINTONs © 1995

2. The Virginia LINTONs © 1995

3. The Lund Washington Manuscript, Library of Congress, Washington DC.

4. Westmoreland County Court Order Book 1663-1693 pp 43-44, Westmoreland County Court House, Montross, Virginia.

5. Westmoreland County Court Will Book 8, page 329-331 Westmoreland County Court House, Montross, Virginia.

6. Prince William County Court Will Book C, Probate records, page 432, Virginia Historical Society's collections, Richmond Virginia.

7. The Lund Washington Manuscript, Library of Congress, Washington, DC.

8. Prince William County Court Will Book C, pages 432-436, Virginia Historical Society's collections, Richmond Virginia.

9. Register of Saint James Northam, Goochland County, Virginia: Tyler's Quarterly Historical and Genealogical Magazine Vol IV, page 102

Terry Louis Linton © 1995

Linton Research Fund Inc., Publication © 1995

LINTON & BIRD Chronicles, Volume V, Issue 2, Summer © 2010, ISSN 1941-3521


How are you Related to President James MONROE (1758-1831)

Terry Louis Linton © 2011

Linton Research Inc., Publication © 2011

Produced by Legacy 7.5 on July 9, 2011


Name                                                                                         Relationship

Agnes (1618- ) 3rd Great-Grandmother

Christian (1526-1551) Wife of 6th Great-Granduncle

Euphemia (1585- ) 4th Great-Grandmother

Ewell (Mrs. ) (Abt 1803- ) Wife of 2nd Cousin twice removed

Kathy (Abt 1947- ) Wife of 2nd Cousin 6 times removed

Li (Abt 1944- ) Wife of 2nd Cousin 6 times removed

Mary (Abt 1732- ) Wife of 1st cousin once removed

Monro (Mrs. ) (Abt 1704- ) Grandmother

Munro (Mrs. ) (Abt 1524- ) 6th Great-Grandmother

Munro (Mrs. ) (Abt 1547- ) 5th Great-Grandmother

Spens (Mrs ) (Abt 1610- ) 3rd Great-Grandmother

ALEXANDER, Elizabeth (1632-1677) 2nd Great-Grandmother

BEAVERS, Becky Elaine (1989- ) 2nd Cousin 8 times removed

BEAVERS, Charles Richard (1929-2008) 2nd Cousin 6 times removed

BEAVERS, David Allen (1942- ) 2nd Cousin 6 times removed

BEAVERS, Deborah Ann (1954- ) 2nd Cousin 7 times removed

BEAVERS, James Richard (1959- ) 2nd Cousin 7 times removed

BEAVERS, Jeffery James (1988- ) 2nd Cousin 8 times removed

BEAVERS, Jeffery Michael (1963- ) 2nd Cousin 7 times removed

BEAVERS, Keyleigh Nicale (1986- ) 2nd Cousin 8 times removed

BEAVERS, Pamela "Pam" Marie (1957- ) 2nd Cousin 7 times removed

BEAVERS, Sally Anne (1944- ) 2nd Cousin 6 times removed

BIRD, Evelyn Virginia "Polly" (1922- ) Wife of 2nd Cousin 5 times removed

BLY, Anthony Clyde (1947- ) 2nd Cousin 6 times removed

BLY, Elizabeth Ann "Betty" (1954- ) 2nd Cousin 6 times removed

BLY, Garry Wayne (1949- ) 2nd Cousin 6 times removed

BLY, Joseph Bronson (1977- ) 2nd Cousin 7 times removed

BLY, Katherine Lea (1969- ) 2nd Cousin 7 times removed

BOWCOCK, Margaret (1670-1681) Wife of Great-Granduncle

BOWMAN, Paulette Michelle (1973- ) Wife of 2nd Cousin 7 times removed

BUTLER, Randoulph Irvin Jr. (1946-1946) 2nd Cousin 6 times removed

BUTLER, Randoulph Irvin Sr. (1918-2007) Husband of 2nd Cousin 5 times removed

BYNUM, Tracy Lynn (1967- ) Wife of 2nd Cousin 7 times removed

COMPTON, Alexander (Abt 1779- ) Husband of 2nd Cousin once removed

CONTRIGHT, Elizabeth Corelissen (1768-1830) Wife

COOPER, Frederick Edmund V (1988- ) 2nd Cousin 8 times removed

COOPER, Frederick Edmund IV (1956- ) Husband of 2nd Cousin 7 times removed

COOPER, Holly Marie (1993- ) 2nd Cousin 8 times removed

COWGILL, Diane Elizabeth (Abt 1963- ) Wife of 2nd Cousin 7 times removed

COXEN, Georganna Lucretia (1855-1897) Wife of 2nd Cousin 3 times removed

CRONK, Annie Delilah (1875-1923) 2nd Cousin 4 times removed

CRONK, Annie Lucretia (1888-1956) 2nd Cousin 4 times removed

CRONK, Armstead Greenberry (1847-1932) 2nd Cousin 3 times removed

CRONK, Charles Fenton (1852-1918) 2nd Cousin 3 times removed

CRONK, Charles Greenberry (1817-1866) Husband of 2nd Cousin twice removed

CRONK, Charles Lewis (Abt 1876- ) 2nd Cousin 4 times removed

CRONK, Clarance (1877-1898) 2nd Cousin 4 times removed

CRONK, Greenberry Mills (1854-1931) 2nd Cousin 3 times removed

CRONK, Lena May (1884-1927) 2nd Cousin 4 times removed

CRONK, Louis Milton (1881-1919) 2nd Cousin 4 times removed

CRONK, Mary Emma (1892-1977) 2nd Cousin 4 times removed

CRONK, William "Willie" (1879-1883) 2nd Cousin 4 times removed

CUNNINGHAM, Janett (1565- ) Wife of 4th Great-Grandfather

DAWSON, Thomas Joseph (1891-1961) Husband of 2nd Cousin 5 times removed

DESHONG, Amanda (1996- ) 2nd Cousin 8 times removed

DESHONG, Kimberly Ann (1968- ) 2nd Cousin 7 times removed

DESHONG, Nickols Lee (1998- ) 2nd Cousin 8 times removed

DESHONG, Richard Lee Jr. (1967- ) 2nd Cousin 7 times removed

DESHONG, Richard Lee Sr. (1943- ) Husband of 2nd Cousin 6 times removed

DOUGLAS, Margaret (1371- ) 11th Great-Grandmother

DOVERSPIKE, Brayden Ryan (2011- ) 2nd Cousin 8 times removed

DOVERSPIKE, Ryan Husband of 2nd Cousin 7 times removed

DUNBAR, Margaret (1498- ) 7th Great-Grandmother

ELLICOT, Elizabeth (1732- ) Wife of 1st cousin once removed

ELLIOTT, Sarah (Abt 1687-1739) Wife of Great-Grandfather

EWELL, Charlotte (Abt 1805- ) 2nd Cousin twice removed

EWELL, Dorcas "Youell" (1635-1708) 2nd Great-Grandmother

EWELL, Jesse III (Abt 1825- ) 2nd Cousin 3 times removed

EWELL, Jesse I (Abt 1782- ) Husband of 2nd Cousin once removed

EWELL, Jesse II (Sheriff ) (Abt 1803- ) 2nd Cousin twice removed

FOXHALL, Sarah (1665-1739) Wife of Great-Grandfather

GHEEN, Cornelia Frances (1850-1924) Wife of 2nd Cousin twice removed

GRAHAM, Cecelia Ann (1804-1878) Wife of 2nd Cousin once removed

GRAYSON, Benjamin Jr. (1735-1768) 1st cousin once removed

GRAYSON, Benjamin Sr. (Colonel ) (1684-1758) Husband of Grandaunt

GRAYSON, Elizabeth Susanna Monro (1743- ) 1st cousin once removed

GRAYSON, Spence (1740-1798) 1st cousin once removed

GRAYSON, William Jr. (Colonel ) (1742-1789) 1st cousin once removed

GUNNELL, Anna Linton S. (1863- ) 2nd Cousin 3 times removed

GUNNELL, Linton Virginia (1860- ) 2nd Cousin 3 times removed

GUNNELL, Luther (1858- ) 2nd Cousin 3 times removed

GUNNELL, William Horatio S. (Abt 1827-1871) Husband of 2nd Cousin twice removed

GUNNELL, Wilton (1869-1871) 2nd Cousin 3 times removed

GWYNN, Emily (Abt 1800- ) 2nd Cousin twice removed

GWYNN, Matthew W. (Abt 1779-After 1814) Husband of 2nd Cousin once removed

HENRIE, Janett (1565-1665) 4th Great-Grandmother

HINKSON, Blake Alexander Linton (1998- ) 2nd Cousin 8 times removed

HINKSON, Marco Trenton (1972- ) Husband of 2nd Cousin 7 times removed

HINKSON, Trent Anthony Linton (2001- ) 2nd Cousin 8 times removed

HOLLIS, Alaina Lucille (1982- ) 2nd Cousin 7 times removed

HOLLIS, Allison Marie (1978- ) 2nd Cousin 7 times removed

HOLLIS, Harris Whitton III (1987- ) 2nd Cousin 7 times removed

HOLLIS, Jeffrey Theodore (1989- ) 2nd Cousin 7 times removed

HOLSENBACK, Drew (Abt 1986- ) Husband of 2nd Cousin 7 times removed

HUSSEY, Audrey Marie (1928- ) Wife of 2nd Cousin 5 times removed

JACKSON, Francis Husband of 1st cousin once removed

JESPERSEN, Bjorn (Abt 1982- ) Husband of 2nd Cousin 7 times removed

JESPERSEN, Isaac Christian (2011- ) 2nd Cousin 8 times removed

JONES, Elizabeth (1721-1758) Mother

JORDAN, Jane (1618- ) Wife of 3rd Great-Grandfather

KINNIMONTH, Anna (1480-1526) 8th Great-Grandmother

KIRKCALDY, Margaret (1525-1542) 6th Great-Grandmother

LEARMONT, Christian (1506-1564) Half 7th Great-Grandaunt

LEARMONTH, Alison (1469- ) 8th Great-Grandaunt

LEARMONTH, Beatrice (1479- ) 8th Great-Grandaunt

LEARMONTH, Beatrice (1501- ) Half 7th Great-Grandaunt

LEARMONTH, George (1447- ) 9th Great-Granduncle

LEARMONTH, George (1470- ) 8th Great-Granduncle

LEARMONTH, Helen (1473- ) 8th Great-Grandaunt

LEARMONTH, James Jr. (1525-1572) 6th Great-Grandfather

LEARMONTH, James (1400- ) 10th Great-Grandfather

LEARMONTH, James Sr. (1502-1547) 7th Great-Grandfather

LEARMONTH, Janet (1475- ) 8th Great-Grandaunt

LEARMONTH, John (1370- ) 11th Great-Grandfather

LEARMONTH, John (1504- ) Half 7th Great-Granduncle

LEARMONTH, Margaret "Mariota" (1542- ) 5th Great-Grandmother

LEARMONTH, Patrick (1520-1593) 6th Great-Granduncle

LEARMONTH, Patrick (Abt 1549- ) Half 5th Great-Granduncle

LEARMONTH, Robert (1479- ) 8th Great-Granduncle

LEARMONTH, Robert (1500- ) Half 7th Great-Granduncle

LEARMONTH, Robert (1445-1482) 9th Great-Grandfather

LEARMONTH, William (1547-1611) Half 5th Great-Granduncle

LEARMONTH-LEARMONT, David (1480-1526) 8th Great-Grandfather

LINTON, Alexandra Louise (2007- ) 2nd Cousin 8 times removed

LINTON, Amanda Marie (1978- ) 2nd Cousin 7 times removed

LINTON, Andrea Ann (1951- ) 2nd Cousin 6 times removed

LINTON, Ann (1765-1815) 2nd Cousin

LINTON, Ann (1728- ) 1st cousin once removed

LINTON, Bernadette "Bernie" Thelma (1921- ) 2nd Cousin 5 times removed

LINTON, Charles "Charlie" Edward (1890-1958) Husband of 2nd Cousin 4 times removed

LINTON, Cyntharine "Cynthia" (1796-1865) 2nd Cousin once removed

LINTON, Florence Avis (1912-1990) 2nd Cousin 5 times removed

LINTON, Georganna (1916-1916) 2nd Cousin 5 times removed

LINTON, Isaiah Alexander (2002- ) 2nd Cousin 8 times removed

LINTON, Jacqueline Zoe (2010- ) 2nd Cousin 8 times removed

LINTON, John (1730-1775) 1st cousin once removed

LINTON, John Augustine Elliott (1769-1822) 2nd Cousin

LINTON, John Edward (1952- ) 2nd Cousin 6 times removed

LINTON, John Edward Charles (1910-1911) 2nd Cousin 5 times removed

LINTON, John Tyler (1796-1821) 2nd Cousin once removed

LINTON, Karen Ann (1971- ) 2nd Cousin 7 times removed

LINTON, Katherine "Kate" Ann (1977- ) 2nd Cousin 7 times removed

LINTON, Kenneth Edward (1945- ) 2nd Cousin 6 times removed

LINTON, Kirk Louis (1914-1987) 2nd Cousin 5 times removed

LINTON, Madeline "Madge" Elizabeth (1922-1991) 2nd Cousin 5 times removed

LINTON, Michael Devon (1976- ) 2nd Cousin 7 times removed

LINTON, Nancy Suzanne (1968- ) 2nd Cousin 7 times removed

LINTON, Sarah Elizabeth Graham (1822-1917) 2nd Cousin twice removed

LINTON, Sibella (1761-1821) 2nd Cousin

LINTON, Terry Louis (1949- ) 2nd Cousin 6 times removed

LINTON, Theodore "Ted" Francis (1917-1970) 2nd Cousin 5 times removed

LINTON, Travis Louis (1971- ) 2nd Cousin 7 times removed

LINTON, Wade Farris (1974- ) 2nd Cousin 7 times removed

LINTON, William Sr (1706-1733) Husband of Grandaunt

LINTON, William Jr. (1732-1770) 1st cousin once removed

MACKENZIE, Catherine (Lady ) (1480- ) 8th Great-Grandmother

MARTINE, Beatrice (1445-1480) 9th Great-Grandmother

MARTINE, George (1427- ) 10th Great-Grandfather

MARTINE, Helen (Abt 1427- ) 10th Great-Grandmother

MILLS, Amy (Abt 1858- ) Wife of 2nd Cousin 3 times removed

MILLS, Annie Virginia (1828- ) 2nd Cousin twice removed

MILLS, Armstead M. (1879- ) 2nd Cousin 3 times removed

MILLS, Armstead Thorton (1824-1892) 2nd Cousin twice removed

MILLS, Elizabeth Matieda (1831- ) 2nd Cousin twice removed

MILLS, Marian Octavia (1830-1871) 2nd Cousin twice removed

MILLS, Peter (1800-1855) Husband of 2nd Cousin once removed

MILLS, Robert Frances (1874- ) 2nd Cousin 3 times removed

MILLS, Sarah Anna "Susanna" (1833-1866) 2nd Cousin twice removed

MONROE, Andrew (1721-1774) 2nd cousin once removed

MONROE, Andrew (Colonel ) (1697-1735) 1st cousin twice removed

MONROE, Andrew (1625-1668) 2nd Great-Grandfather

MONROE, Andrew (1661-1713) Great-Grandfather

MONROE, Ann (1668- ) Great-Grandaunt

MONROE, Eleanor (1720- ) 2nd cousin once removed

MONROE, Eliza Kortright (1787-1835) Daughter

MONROE, Elizabeth (1656- ) Great-Grandaunt

MONROE, Elizabeth (1674- ) Grandaunt

MONROE, Elizabeth (1681- ) 1st cousin twice removed

MONROE, George (Abt 1702- ) Granduncle

MONROE, George (1664-1668) Great-Granduncle

MONROE, George (1700-1776) 1st cousin twice removed

MONROE, James (President ) (1758-1831) Self

MONROE, James Spence (1799-1800) Son

MONROE, Jane (1710-1750) 1st cousin twice removed

MONROE, Jane (1728-1815) 2nd cousin once removed

MONROE, Jane (1699- ) Grandaunt

MONROE, John (1624-1724) 2nd Great-Granduncle

MONROE, John (1693- ) Granduncle

MONROE, John (1659- ) Great-Granduncle

MONROE, Joseph James (1730- ) 2nd cousin once removed

MONROE, Maria Hester (1803-1850) Daughter

MONROE, Mary (1650-1651) Great-Grandaunt

MONROE, Mary (1699- ) 1st cousin twice removed

MONROE, Sarah (1695-1739) 1st cousin twice removed

MONROE, Sarah (1738- ) 2nd cousin once removed

MONROE, Spence (1727-1774) 2nd cousin once removed

MONROE, Spence (1690-1726) Granduncle

MONROE, Spence (1727-1774) Father

MONROE, Susanna (1693-1752) Grandaunt

MONROE, Susannah (1653-1709) Great-Grandaunt

MONROE, Thomas (1694-1748) 1st cousin twice removed

MONROE, Wiliam (1690-1737) Grandfather

MONROE, William (1690-1775) 1st cousin twice removed

MONROE, William (1664-1737) Great-Granduncle

MORRIS, Frances (Abt 1780- ) Wife of 2nd Cousin once removed

MUNRO, Agnes (Abt 1608- ) 3rd Great-Grandaunt

MUNRO, Andrew (Abt 1609- ) 3rd Great-Granduncle

MUNRO, Ann (Abt 1612- ) 3rd Great-Grandaunt

MUNRO, Catherine (Abt 1611- ) 3rd Great-Grandaunt

MUNRO, Catherine (1528- ) 6th Great-Grandaunt

MUNRO, Christian (1526-1551) 6th Great-Grandaunt

MUNRO, David (1614-1648) 3rd Great-Grandfather

MUNRO, Donald (Abt 1546- ) 1st cousin 7 times removed

MUNRO, Elizabeth (1526- ) 6th Great-Grandaunt

MUNRO, Florence (Abt 1613- ) 3rd Great-Grandaunt

MUNRO, George (1547- ) 5th Great-Grandfather

MUNRO, George (1585-1614) 4th Great-Grandfather

MUNRO, George (1578- ) 2nd cousin 6 times removed

MUNRO, George (1524-1547) 6th Great-Grandfather

MUNRO, Hector (Lord ) (1480-1541) 8th Great-Grandfather

MUNRO, Hector (Abt 1610- ) 3rd Great-Granduncle

MUNRO, Hector (1520- ) 6th Great-Granduncle

MUNRO, Hugh (1522-1596) 6th Great-Granduncle

MUNRO, Janet (1530- ) 6th Great-Grandaunt

MUNRO, Robert (1500-1588) 7th Great-Grandfather

MUNRO, Robert (1518-1547) 6th Great-Granduncle

MUNRO, Robert (1547-1588) 1st cousin 7 times removed

MUNRO, William (1550-1615) 1st cousin 7 times removed

ORR, Alexander Dalrymple (Abt 1753- ) 2nd Cousin

ORR, Benjamin Grayson (Abt 1755- ) 2nd Cousin

ORR, John (1726- ) Husband of 1st cousin once removed

ORR, John Dalrymple (Abt 1757- ) 2nd Cousin

ORR, William (Abt 1759- ) 2nd Cousin

OSBORNE, Elizabeth (Abt 1735- ) Wife of 1st cousin once removed

PATTON, Peggy Elaine (Abt 1959- ) Wife of 2nd Cousin 7 times removed

PENN, Carl Andrew (1921-1984) 2nd Cousin 5 times removed

PENN, Clarence M. (1916-1917) 2nd Cousin 5 times removed

PENN, Eleanor G. (1914-1986) 2nd Cousin 5 times removed

PENN, Geoffrey Thomas (1946- ) 2nd Cousin 6 times removed

PENN, Lorraine R. (1959- ) 2nd Cousin 6 times removed

PENN, Reginald William (1918- ) 2nd Cousin 5 times removed

PENN, Ronald Lee (1944- ) 2nd Cousin 6 times removed

PENN, Thomas (After 1946- ) 2nd Cousin 6 times removed

PEYTON, Burr (1754-1814) Husband of 2nd Cousin

PEYTON, George Yelverton (1780-1854) 2nd Cousin once removed

PEYTON, Martha Ewell (Abt 1782-1831) 2nd Cousin once removed

PEYTON, Nancy (Abt 1778- ) 2nd Cousin once removed

PEYTON, Yeverton (Abt 1779-1792) 2nd Cousin once removed

PULLEY, Broc Adam (1990- ) 2nd Cousin 8 times removed


RAMSAY, Katherine (1500-1542) 7th Great-Grandmother

REESE, George O. (1912-1985) Husband of 2nd Cousin 5 times removed

RICHARDSON, John W. (Abt 1831- ) Husband of 2nd Cousin twice removed

RICHARDSON, William (Abt 1852- ) 2nd Cousin 3 times removed

RITCHIE, Branson (Abt 1981- ) Husband of 2nd Cousin 7 times removed

RITCHIE, Branson M. (1999- ) 2nd Cousin 8 times removed

RITCHIE, Brayden S. (2002- ) 2nd Cousin 8 times removed

ROBERTSON, Edith Myrtle (1898-1980) 2nd Cousin 5 times removed

ROBERTSON, Elsie Marie (1896-1970) 2nd Cousin 5 times removed

ROBERTSON, Ira (1874-1955) Husband of 2nd Cousin 4 times removed

ROBERTSON, Oswald Cronk (1906-1961) 2nd Cousin 5 times removed

ROSS, Catherine (1532- ) Wife of 1st cousin 7 times removed

ROSS, Martha (Abt 1522- ) Wife of 6th Great-Granduncle

ROWE, Anne (1640-1711) Wife of Half 2nd Great-Granduncle

RUSSELL, Martha Marie (1931-2007) Wife of 2nd Cousin 6 times removed

SHEPHERD, Audrey Lorraine (1919- ) Wife of 2nd Cousin 5 times removed

SISSON, Harriett E. Wife of 2nd Cousin twice removed

SMALLWOOD, Eleanor Wife of 1st cousin once removed

SPENCE, Alexander (1656-1716) Great-Granduncle

SPENCE, Alexander (1669-1734) Half 1st cousin 3 times removed

SPENCE, Ann (1677- ) Half 1st cousin 3 times removed

SPENCE, David (1639-1679) 2nd Great-Granduncle

SPENCE, David (1667-1726) Half 1st cousin 3 times removed

SPENCE, David (1639-1679) Half 2nd Great-Granduncle

SPENCE, Eleanor (1664-1708) Great-Grandmother

SPENCE, Elizabeth (1660-1693) Great-Grandaunt

SPENCE, James (1674-1738) Half 1st cousin 3 times removed

SPENCE, Jane (1666-1708) Great-Grandaunt

SPENCE, John (1659-1699) Great-Granduncle

SPENCE, John (1640- ) 2nd Great-Granduncle

SPENCE, John (1672-1736) Half 1st cousin 3 times removed

SPENCE, Patrick (1660- ) Great-Grandaunt

SPENCE, Patrick (1658-1695) Great-Granduncle

SPENCE, Patrick (1633-1684) 2nd Great-Grandfather

SPENCE, Thomas (1660-1694) Great-Granduncle

SPENCE, William (1630- ) 2nd Great-Granduncle

SPENS, David I (1538-1571) 5th Great-Grandfather

SPENS, David II (1571-1615) 4th Great-Grandfather

SPENS, David III (1592- ) Half 3rd Great-Granduncle

SPENS, James (1562-1632) 4th Great-Granduncle

SPENS, Janett (1605- ) Half 3rd Great-Grandaunt

SPENS, John (1613-1662) 3rd Great-Grandfather

SPENS, Lucretia (1568- ) 4th Great-Grandaunt

SPENS, Margaret (1605- ) Half 3rd Great-Grandaunt

SPENS, William (1612- ) Half 3rd Great-Granduncle

TAYLOR, Christina "Tina" Louise (1983- ) 2nd Cousin 8 times removed

TAYLOR, Crystal Lynn (1980- ) 2nd Cousin 8 times removed

TAYLOR, Herbert Roger Jr. (1954- ) Husband of 2nd Cousin 7 times removed

TAYLOR, Michael Douglas (1977- ) 2nd Cousin 8 times removed

THOMPSON, Sarah Jane (1845-1931) Wife of 2nd Cousin 3 times removed

TOOMBS, William Michael (Abt 1966- ) Husband of 2nd Cousin 7 times removed

TYLER, Charles (1695-1724) Husband of Grandaunt

TYLER, Charles (1716-1767) 1st cousin once removed

TYLER, Christian (1699-1754) Wife of 1st cousin twice removed

TYLER, Jane (1718-1761) 1st cousin once removed

TYLER, John (1724-1792) 1st cousin once removed

TYLER, Monroe (1718- ) 1st cousin once removed

TYLER, Sallie (1720-1781) 1st cousin once removed

TYLER, Sarah (1770-1835) Wife of 2nd Cousin

VIAR, Candice Elizabeth (1981- ) 2nd Cousin 7 times removed

VIAR, Dennis Franklin Jr. (1983- ) 2nd Cousin 7 times removed

VIAR, Shlease Marie (1986- ) 2nd Cousin 7 times removed

VOLONINO, Lucy Ann (1913-2001) Wife of 2nd Cousin 5 times removed

WAGENER, Mary Elizabeth Wife of 1st cousin once removed

WALL, Janice Marlene (1944- ) Wife of 2nd Cousin 6 times removed

WEMYSS, Margaret (1420- ) 10th Great-Grandmother

WHITE, Susanna (1680-1737) Wife of Great-Granduncle


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