Annie Lucretia CRONK (1888-1956)

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Annie Lucretia CRONK (1888-1956)



page established 2007  laughing 

Linton Research Fund Inc., Publication © 1987-2023 "Digging for our Roots"


Annie Lucretia CRONK Linton (1888-1956)

(Brief Sketch)


Terry L. Linton © 1975

(First Published) Linton Family History (Terry L. Linton © 1975) (published Linton Unlimited © 1975) (printed in Prince William County, Virginia, USA.) 

Linton Research Fund Inc., Publication © 1987

Linton Family History (Descendants of Sir Arthur Linton 1614-1662) (Terry Louis Linton © 1999.) (Linton Research Fund, Inc., Publication © 1999) (printed in Spotsylvania County, Virginia. USA.)

LINTON & BIRD Chronicles Volume II, Issue 1, Spring © 2007, ISSN 1941-3521 


Annie Lucretia CRONK (1888-1956) was the daughter Charles Fenton CRONK (1852-1918) & Georganna Lucretia COXEN (1855-1897) Annie was born on January 18, 1888 in Alexandria, Virginia.  Annie was christened on November 20, 1888  in the Second Presbyterian Church, Saint Aspa Street, Alexandria, Virginia. 

Annie’s Father, Charles Fenton CRONK (1852-1897) was born on October 29, 1852, on his father’s Difficult Run Plantation, near Fairfax Court House, in Jermantown, Providence District, Fairfax County, Virginia. Charles was a blacksmith at Fort Myer, Arlington County, Virginia. Charles Fenton CRONK died on February 10, 1918, at his home in Alexandria, Virginia, at age 65. Charles was buried in Union Cemetery, Alexandria, Virginia. 

Annie was the granddaughter of Charles Greenberry CRONK (1817-1866) & Sarah Annie MILLS (1833-1866). Charles was originally from New York State. Charles perched and resettled on his Difficult Run Plantation, in Fairfax County, Virginia. Sarah was born and raised on her father’s Burke Plantation, in Fairfax County, Virginia. Sarah was the daughter of Peter MILLS (1800-1855) & Cynthia Sarah LINTON (1833-1866). Cynthia was the 10th granddaughter, of John Linton 1450-?), of old Wynkill, Staffordshire, England, of the "Virginia Lintons." 

Annie’s mother, Georganna Lucretia COXEN (1855-1897) was born September 17, 1855, in Prince Georges County, Maryland. Georganna was the daughter of James Henry COXEN (1840-?) & Lucretia PADGETT (1837-1888). James was originally from Prince Georges County, Maryland. Then the family resettled in Washington District of Columbia, on 7th Street Road. Lucretia PADGETT was born on December 27, 1837, in Fairfax County, Virginia. Lucretia died on September 27, 1888, in Alexandria, Virginia. Lucretia was the daughter of George H. PADGETT (1809-1866) & Annie HACKNEY (1809-1843), both of Fairfax County, Virginia. 

On December 1, 1909, in Second Presbyterian Church, on Saint Aspa Street, Alexandria, Virginia, Annie married Charles Edward LINTON (1890-1958) They were married, by Reverent Jas H. Sener, with the consent of her father, in person. 

Charles Edward Linton (1890-1958) was the son of John Edward Linton (1838-1901) Sallie Fenmor STONESTREET (1861-1926). Charles was born on December 1, 1890, on the "Linton Family Farm, in Riverside Park," near Hunters Station and Fort Hunt, in the Mount Vernon District, Fairfax County, Virginia. Charles’ mother, had Charles christened, in December 1890, in the Saint Mary's Catholic Church, in Alexandria, Virginia. 


Charles & Annie had seven children: 

John Edward Charles Linton (1910-1911);  Florence Avis LINTON Beavers (1912-1990);   Kirk Louis Linton(1914-1987); Georganna Linton (1916-1916); Theodore Francis Linton (1917-1970); Bernadette Thelma LINTON Butler (1921-2014); Madeline "Madge" Elizabeth LINTON Bly (1922-1991)



Linton Research Fund Inc., Publication © 1987-2023 "Digging for our Roots"


Below photo: Annie Lucretia CRONK (1888-1956) photo taken in 1906 in Alexandria, Virginia. smile