History of Linton Research Fund Inc.
Linton Research Fund Inc.,
Founded in 1987
by Kirk Louis Linton (1914-1987)
Terry Louis Linton © 2007
Linton Research Fund Inc., Publication © 2007
LINTON & BIRD Chronicles Volume II Issue 3, Fall © 2007, ISSN 1941-3521
updated January 5, 2018
Initial Organizers present at the first Organization Meeting of the Linton Research Fund Inc., in 1987 were Evelyn Virginia BIRD Linton, Kenneth "Ken" Linton, Terry Louis Linton, Diane Marie BOURLAND Robinson Linton, Nancy Suzanne LINTON, Travis Louis Linton, Karen Ann Linton and Wade Faris Linton.

Above: Founder of the Linton Research Fund Inc., Kirk Louis LINTON (1914-1987)

Above: Kirk Louis Linton (1914-1987), Founder of Linton Research Fund Inc., Evelyn Virginia BIRD Linton (1922-2012), Vice President and Membership Director from 1987-2012, Clara Myrtle GRAY-SADLER Bird (1900-1988) the first paying Member and the first non-profit donator to the Linton Research Fund Inc., Photo taken in 1979, at one of Evelyn’s meetings of the Mount Vernon Porcelain Gild, which she was the secretary of.

Above: Clara Myrtle Gray Bird (1900-1988) studio photo taken in 1978. She was taken to a photo studio in Hawthorne, California by her son and daughter-in-law, J. A. Jeff Augustus BIRD (1923-2015) & Marjorie Blanchard LAFOREST (1927-2010) without her knowing what was going on.
First paying Member of Linton Research Fund Inc.
Clara Myrtle GRAY-SADLER Bird (1900-1988)
1988 Members:
Evelyn Virginia BIRD Linton, Kenneth "Ken" LINTON, Terry Louis LINTON, Diane Marie BOURLAND Robinson Linton, Nancy Suzanne LINTON, Travis Louis LINTON, Karen Ann LINTON, Wade Faris LINTON, Clara Myrtle GRAY-SADLER Bird, Florence Avis LINTON Beavers, Madeline "Madge Elizabeth LINTON Bly, Bernadette "Bernie" Thelma LINTON Butler, Randolph "Randy" Irvin Butler Sr., and Colonel Adolph Henry HUMPHREYS Sr.,
1989 Members:
Evelyn Virginia BIRD Linton, Kenneth "Ken" LINTON, Terry Louis LINTON, Diane Marie BOURLAND Robinson Linton, Nancy Suzanne LINTON, Travis Louis LINTON, Karen Ann LINTON, Wade Faris LINTON, Clara Myrtle GRAY-SADLER Bird, Florence Avis LINTON Beavers, Madeline "Madge Elizabeth LINTON Bly, Bernadette "Bernie" Thelma LINTON Butler, Randolph "Randy" Irvin Butler Sr., Colonel Adolph Henry HUMPHREYS Sr., John HAYES, Jean G. LINTON, William M. BROWN, Marceile S. EDMUNDSON, Marilyn Bone, Robert E. MYER, Milton KEENE, Sarah Keene, Harold W. BOLES, Edward Scott FARRELLY, Betty J. Gilber, Ron BRELSFORD, Kay A. SHELTON Johnston, Grace Ruth, Calvin R. LINTON, Janice E. Sharps, Bryan T. WINTER, Kenny R. BURCK, Judith J. Hryniawsky, Linda Leone, John C. MCLAUGHLIN and Judith L. 0lsen.
Deceased Honorary Members:
Kirk Louis LINTON (1914-1987); Clara Myrtle GRAY-SADLER Bird (1900-1988); Florence Avis LINTON Beavers (1912-1990); Theodore "Ted" Francis LINTON (1917-1970); Madeline "Madge" Elizabeth LINTON Bly (1922-1991); Colonel Adolph Henry Humphreys Sr. (1918-1993); Albert Irvin BIRD (1925-2008) , Evelyn Virginia BIRD Linton (1922-2012); John William HAYES (1925-2013); Rita Aline PULLIAM Bird (1940-2014) Francis Dell BIRD Shivers (1934-2014) and Bernadette "Bernie" Thelma LINTON Butler (1921-2014); J. A. Jeff Augustus Snookum Jimmie BIRD (1923-2015); Franklin Delano "Buddy" BIRD (1934-2016)

Old Meeting News
The Annual 25th Membership Meeting of Linton Research Fund Inc., and the 28th Annual Meeting of the LINTON & BIRD Chronicles was postponed, due to the sickest and death of our Vice President and Membership Director, Evelyn Virginia BIRD Linton, born May 17, 1922, died November 14, 2012. A new date and time will be scheduled before July 2013.
The Annual 24th Membership Meeting of the Linton Research Fund Inc., and the 27th Annual Meeting of the LINTON & BIRD Chronicles was held on December 3, 2011, at Vice President and Membership Director, Evelyn Virginia BIRD Linton’s home in North Richland Hills, Fort Worth, Texas. After a great ham lunch, and deserts, the meeting was held and our Bylaws were revised and updated, old photos were discussed and workshops were conducted on both our LINTON & BIRD ancestors. The meeting was well attend with Members from Texas and with nine Members joining us via SKYPE, from Virginia, Maryland, North Carolina and New Zealand. Next years Meeting was set for the same place in December with the date and time to be announced later. Editors Note More details to come
Do not forget that the 24th Annual Membership Meeting of the Linton Research Fund Inc., and the 27th Annual meeting of the LINTON & BIRD Chronicles is is set for December 3, 2011, at 1:00 in the afternoon! The gathering will begin at 1:00 with Meeting to follow, at Vice President and Membership Director, Evelyn Virginia BIRD Linton home in North Richland Hills, Fort Worth, Texas. Please Phone or replay to Evelyn at e-mail evelynvlinton@live.com or evelyn_v_Linton@linton-research-fund-inc.com to find out if she needs any help or what to bring or if you need anymore information or directions.
Little Things like these were talked about at last years meeting.
Colonel Mark Huling BIRD (1738-1812)
In 1972, Howard M. Carroll, headed a group of local Bird decedents, which purchased and placed a memorial marker on the grave of Colonel Mark Bird. MARK BIRD Pennsylvania Colonel, PA. Militia Revolutionary War (1739 1812) According to The Ironmaster Kin (The Genealogy of William And Mark Bird 1621 1985) 8 1985 Vera N. Hardin, Colonel Mark Bird's tombstone was installed, by Howard M. Carroll, a direct descendant of Mark Bird. After a group of the descendants of Mark Bird (1739 1812) from North & South Carolina made two tours to Hopewell Village. "It has been very inspiring to learn of the dedication of our ancestors for the cause of freedom."
In February, 1778 as Deputy Quarter Master General under General Mifflin, Colonel Mark Bird was given the "impossible" order of getting food to General Washington's starving troops at Valley Forge. This task General Mifflin had failed to do earlier. Colonel Bird managed to float 1,000 barrels of flour from his own water grist mills in Birdsboro which were stored in Reading down the Schuylkill River in the dead of winter. On February 19, 1778 the Executive Council of the Continental Congress shows the shipment of these barrels.
March 22, 1784, this is the 226th anniversary of the maiden voyage of the merchant ship United States to the sea port of Canton China. It wound up instead in the French colony of Pondicerry, India. Philadelphia Merchant Phillip Moore, owned one haft interest in the vessel with Colonel Mark Huling BIRD (1739 1812) and Judge James Wilson (1742 1798) owning a quarter interest. On December 18, 1783, they applied to the Continental Congress for a sea letter with hopes of being the first American registered merchant vessel to reach China.
Annual Membership Meeting is set for December 3, 2011, at 1:00 in the afternoon! Membership Director, Evelyn Virginia BIRD Linton, would like to announce that the 2011, 24th Annual Membership Meeting of the Linton Research Fund Inc., and the 27th Annual meeting of the LINTON & BIRD Chronicles has been set back one week, due to better attendance because everyone will still have their company over the weekend after Thanksgiving. The Membership Meeting will be held this December 3, 2011. The gathering will begin at 1:00 with Meeting to follow, at Evelyn's home in North Richland Hills, Fort Worth, Texas. Please replay to Evelyn at evelynvlinton@live.com to find out if she any help or you need more information.
Remember, the Meeting is open to all Members and all future new members, So bring your family too!
Membership Director, Evelyn Virginia BIRD Linton, would like to announce that the 2011, 24th Annual Membership Meeting of the Linton Research Fund Inc., and the 27th Annual meeting of the LINTON & BIRD Chronicles will be held this Thanksgiving Holiday weekend Saturday, November 26, 2011, at her home in North Richland Hills, Fort Worth, Texas. Please replay to Evelyn at evelynvlinton@live.com
Membership Director, Evelyn Virginia BIRD Linton, would like to announce that the 2011, 24th Annual Membership Meeting of the Linton Research Fund Inc., and the 27th Annual meeting of the LINTON & BIRD Chronicles will be held a day or two right after this upcoming Thanksgiving (November 24, 2011) at her home in North Richland Hills, Fort Worth, Texas. A date will be sent out very soon for all of our Members.
No official meeting was held at the BIRD Family Reunion in Haltom City, Fort Worth Texas, this last July 2, 2011, for the Linton Research Fund Inc., or the LINTON & BIRD Chronicles. A lot of photos were taken and data added to our LINTON & BIRD master file and changes and corrections were made to it. Thanks to Jimmie & Mary Gill for the Family get-to-gather, fun, swimming, food, socializing, remembering, photo taking and red ants & 107 degrees.
The 2010, 23rd Annual Membership Meeting of the Linton Research Fund Inc., and the 26th Annual meeting of the LINTON & BIRD Chronicles was held, December 10, 2010, at the home of Membership Director, Evelyn Virginia BIRD Linton, in North Richland Hills, Fort Worth, Texas. A hot lunch buffet was served by Evelyn before the Meeting.
Some of the highlights of the meeting were the re-electron of two old Director at Large seats Travis Louis Linton and Wade Farris Linton and new comer Ginny RAGSDALE Linton. The 2010 Official BYLAWS Extraction from the Articles of Incorporation was voted on and passed. Also, changing of Clara Myrtle GRAY Bird (1900-1988) name was voted on and pasted to be Officially known as Clara Myrtle GRAY-Sadler Bird (1900-1988), in honor of her adopted patents. New adviser to the BIRD Chronicles is John Martin O’Connell. It was announce that the LINTON & BIRD Chronicles had it’s own Facebook Page now. Also that more copies of our old publications need to be reprinted and that Family CDs should be available to our Members. More to follow.
Membership Director, Evelyn Virginia BIRD Linton, would like to announce that the 2010, 23rd Annual Membership Meeting of the Linton Research Fund Inc., and the 26th Annual meeting of the LINTON & BIRD Chronicles will be held right after this upcoming Thanksgiving (November 25, 2010) at her home in North Richland Hills, Fort Worth, Texas. A date will be sent out very soon for all of our Texas Members and Members
Also, Evelyn would like to announce that a Special Meeting of the Linton Research Fund Inc., will be held in the home of Director of Large, Karen Ann LINTON Hinkson in Poolesville, Maryland. The date is set for in-between the Christmas & New Years Halliday. The Annual Board of Directors will be held preceding the Membership Meeting.
The 22st Annual Meeting of the Linton Research Fund Inc., was held on December 2009 in the home of Director of Large, Karen Ann LINTON Hinkson in Poolesville, Maryland. For details of this meeting contact Secretary Nancy LINTON Toombs, nancy@linton-research-fund-inc.com
The Annual Membership Meeting of the LINTON Research Fund Inc., was held during the Annual BIRD Reunion at the home of Members Doctor Jimmie Eugene GILL and Mary Louise BIRD Gill, in Fort Worth, Texas, this past July 4, 2009. This was a excellent day to have a meeting on sense our BIRD Family Tree has two members, James Willson Sr., (1742-1798) & George Reed (1733-1798), that signed the Declaration of Independence on July 4, 1776 and one who signed it, the next month, August 1776, George ROSS (1730-1779). An on-hands display of the LINTON & BIRD Chronicles Web-site, that was planned, could not be preformed, because of lack of a internet connection. The main topic of dissection was putting new pictures on the LINTON & BIRD Chronicles Web-site. Many BIRD Family Members and their families were in attendance. For details of this meeting contact from your "stand-in" secretary. Kenneth "Ken" Edward Linton, kelinton@linton-research-fund-inc.com
The 20th Annual Meeting of the Linton Research Fund Inc., was held December 29, 2008, in Poolsville, Maryland. A Board of Directors Meeting preceded this meeting. Please contact Secretary Nancy Suzanne LINTON Toombs, nancy@linton-research-fund-inc.com .
For all the genealogical researchers
For all the genealogical researchers that are researching the LINTON or BIRD surnames or any of our aligned surnames, please join the Linton Research Fund Inc., and have your articles published in upcoming issues of the LINTON & BIRD Chronicles. Contact Project Director, at Terry_L_Linton@linton-research-fund-inc.com or T_L_Linton@Juno.com
Your paid Membership Dues to the Linton Research Fund Inc., LINTON & BIRD Chronicles includes a written historical and genealogical research on any LINTON or BIRD ancestor and their aligned branches. How to join the Linton Research Fund Inc.

Linton Research Fund Inc., © 1987-2025 "Digging for our Roots"

“We exist because of our ancestors, let’s try not to forget them”
"That’s a beautiful and profound statement. Our ancestors’ experiences, struggles, and achievements have shaped the world we live in today. It’s important to honor and remember them, as they are a part of our history and identity”
Terry Louis Linton © 2012.
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"Thanks for Visiting, come back when you can stay longer" Terry Louis Linton © 2007
Linton Research Fund Inc., Publication © 1987-2025 “Digging for our roots”
LINTON & BIRD Chronicles
Established 1984
Quarterly Publication of the Linton Research Fund Inc.