How to become a Member
Welcome to the LINTON & BIRD Chronicles
How to become a Member of the
Linton Research Fund Inc.
LINTON & BIRD Chronicles
LINTON Chronicles
BIRD Chronicles
Linton Research Fund Inc., in 1987, was established by Kirk Louis Linton (1914-1987). This research fund was to be established and organized. Then to be used in the researching and publishing, of its findings, of the genealogical linage and history of the ancestors of Kirk Louis Linton. Its accomplishments, finding, and publications are a "Memorial to the memory of, the late, Kirk Louis Linton. (1914-1987)". We are a Non Profit Corporation, governed by the State Corporation Commission, Commonwealth of Virginia.

Linton Research Fund Inc., Publication © 1987-2023 "Digging for our Roots"
Please make your Tax Exempt membership check out to Linton Research Fund, Inc.
Send all checks to:
Linton Research Fund, Inc.
Kenneth E. Linton, Treasurer
3012 Magnolia Lane
Bedford, Texas, 76021
Individual Membership is $100 per-year
Family Membership $175 per-year.
Lifetime Membership $2,500
Please note on your check if it is for membership or contribution. Our Tax Exempt IRS Identification Number is available upon request, and will be sent to you with your membership and with any contributions receipts sent to you. Thank You, in advance!
Your paid membership dues include a written historical and genealogical research on any LINTON or BIRD ancestor and their aligned branches.
Objectives of the Linton Research Fund Inc.
The objectives of the Linton Research Fund Inc. shall be as follows:
Section 1. The Fund is not organized for profit and is a non-stock corporation and no part of any net earning shall be inure to the benefit of any director, member, or individual, but will be for the benefit and interest of the Fund as a whole and to promote it's purpose.
Section 2. The Fund is to perform, promote, and encourage the researching, collecting, preserving, documentation, and publishing the genealogy and family ancestral history of Kirk Louis LINTON (1914-1987) and Evelyn Virginia BIRD Linton (1922-2012)
Section 3: The Fund shall primarily perform genealogical research on the LINTON & BIRD and aligned ancestral lineage lines.
Section 4. The Fund shall assist persons throughout the United States and elsewhere with the genealogy and ancestral history research of Kirk Louis Linton & Evelyn Virginia BIRD Linton and those other families aligned genealogically, through publications, meetings, workshops, seminars, and other educational programs.
Section 5. The Fund shall encourage, assist, and perform in the publication of genealogical and historical works pertaining to subjects on the surname of Linton and BIRD aligned families, or related areas or places, connected with them.
Section 6. The Fund shall encourage, assist and perform in the establishing of a Linton surname historical society, or those other family surnames which are aligned genealogically.
Section 7: The family newsletter, © Linton & Bird Chronicles was established, in 1984. This family newsletter became a © publication of the Linton Research Fund Inc., in 1988 and became the FUND © Quarterly Publication. It's first internet issue was dated April 11, 2007. The Linton Research Fund Inc., Web Site was established in 2007, this Web Site is a © Publication of the FUND.
Membership to the Linton Research Fund, Inc. shall be as follows:
Section 1. Membership shall be open to all individuals and institutions interested in promoting the objectives of the FUND.
Section 2. Membership dues shall be paid upon application to join the FUND, and yearly thereafter on or before the beginning of the FUND's Fiscal Year, July 1st to June 30th. Dues may be pro-rated only during the first year if joining after the start of the fiscal year. There will be no refunds upon termination of membership.
Section 3. An Active membership is defined as receipt of payment of dues for the current fiscal year (July 1st thru June 30th of following calendar year).
Section 4. Active membership shall entitle the holder to one vote and other benefits as established by the Board of Directors.
Section 5. Membership dues and categories shall be established and announced from-time-to-time by the Board of Directors to the members.
Section 6. A member is put into the "Inactive status" is for members whose annual dues when the annual dues is are not received for the current fiscal year.
For all the genealogical researchers
For all the genealogical researchers that are researching the LINTON or BIRD surnames or any of our aligned surnames, please join the Linton Research Fund Inc., and have your articles published in upcoming issues of the LINTON & BIRD Chronicles. Contact Project Director, at or

Linton Research Fund Inc., Publication © 1987-2023 "Digging for our Roots"

Evelyn Virginia BIRD Linton (1922-2012) & Kirk Louis LINTON (1914-1987) in April 1945

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LINTON Chronicles Table of Contexts
LINTON Ancestors in the Revolutionary
LINTON Ancestors in the Civil War 1861-1865
BIRD Chronicles Table of Contents
Bird Ancestors in the Revolutionary War
BIRD Ancestors in the Civil War 1861-1865
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"Thanks for Visiting, come back when you can stay longer" Terry Louis Linton © 2007
Linton Research Fund Inc., Publication © 1987-2023 “Digging for our roots”
LINTON & BIRD Chronicles
Established 1984
Quarterly Publication of the Linton Research Fund Inc.