Linton Research Fund, Inc.
LINTON & BIRD CHRONICLES, Volume VI, Issue 1, Spring © 2011, ISSN 1941-3521
Welcome to the
Linton Research Fund Inc., Web Site
LINTON & BIRD Chronicles
Established 1984
Quarterly Publication
of the
Linton Research Fund Inc.
The Linton Research Fund Inc., Web Site was established in 2007, by Terry Louis Linton. This Web Site is a publication of the Linton Research Fund Inc.
The family newsletter, Linton & Bird Chronicles was established, in 1984, by Terry Louis Linton. This newsletter became a publication of the Linton Research Fund Inc., in 1988. It's first internet issue was dated April 11, 2007. All images and text are Copyrighted by the Linton Research Fund Inc., 1987-2008. All Rights Reserved, reproduction in whole or in part without written permission is prohibited.
The Linton Research Fund, Inc., was founded on July 18, 1987, by Kirk Louis Linton (1914-1987). This research fund was to be established and organized. Then to be used in the researching and publishing, of its findings, of the genealogical linage and history of the ancestors of Kirk Louis Linton. Its accomplishments, finding, and publications are a "Memorial to the memory of, the late, Kirk Louis Linton." We are a Non-Profit Corporation, governed by the State Corporation Commission, Commonwealth of Virginia.
"The Linton Research Fund Inc., is to perform, promote, and encourage the researching, collecting, preserving, documentation, and publishing the genealogy and family ancestral history of Kirk Louis Linton. It shall primarily perform genealogical research on the following ancestral lineage lines, but shall not be necessarily limited to only these ancestral lineage lines." (Bylaws)
Kirk Louis Linton (1914-1987) & Evelyn Virginia Bird
Charles Edward Linton(1890-1958) & Annie Lucretia Cronk (1888-1956)
John Edward Linton (1838-1901) & Sallie Fenmor Stonestreet (1861-1928)
Lewis Colbert Linton (1803-1876) & Sarah Kocher (1810-1870)
James Linton (1769-1854) & Ann Croasdale (1776-1852)
Isaiah Linton (1739-1775) & Sarah Hirst (1742-1823)
John Linton (1706-1761) & Elizabeth Hayhurst (1709-1795)
John Linton (1662-1709) & Rebecca Relf (1672-1714)
Roger Linton (1641-?) & Dorothy Newbergh (1641-?)
Arthur Linton (1614-1662) & unknown
John Linton (1560-?) & unknown
Walter Linton (1533-?) & unknown
Arthur Linton (1475-?) & unknown
Richard Linton (1445-?) & unknown
Richard de Linton (1415-?) & unknown
William de Linton (1385-?) & unknown
Jeff Augustus "Gus" Bird (1893-1954) & Clara Myrtle Gray (1900-1988)
Thomas Jefferson Bird (1861-1931) & Drusilla Gay (1867-1948)
George Bird Jr. (1821-1888) & Melinda Elizabeth Carroll (1827-1906)
George Bird Sr. (1774-1847) & Martha Robeson (1771-1836)
Mark Bird (1739-1812) & Mary Ross (1744-1790)
William Bird (1706-1761) & Brigitte Huling (1715-1790)
"The Linton Research Fund Inc., shall assist persons throughout the United States and elsewhere with the genealogy and ancestral history research of Kirk Louis Linton, and those other families aligned genealogically, through publications, meetings, workshops, seminars, and other educational programs."
"The Linton Research Fund Inc., shall encourage, assist, and perform in the publication of genealogical and historical works pertaining to subjects on the surname of Linton and aligned families, or related areas or places, connected with them."
"The Linton Research Fund Inc., shall encourage, assist and perform in the establishing of a Linton surname historical society, or those other family surnames which are aligned genealogically." (Bylaws)
LINTON & BIRD Chronicles Updated April 11, 2011
Linton Chronicles publication of the Linton Research Fund Inc.
BIRD Chronicles publication of the Linton Research Fund Inc.
The LINTON & BIRD Chronicles on Facebook
How to Become a Member of the Linton Research Fund Inc.
Guest Book Please sign Kirk's Guest Book! BIRD Project DirectorBylaws

Kirk Louis LINTON (1914-1987) the Founder of the Linton Research Fund, Inc., and Evelyn Virginia BIRD Linton, the Vice President and Membership Director of the Linton Research Fund Inc., in 1945.
Thanks for Visiting, come back when you can stay longer!
Scottish LINTON Coat of Arms & Crest, pen & Ink illustration, by Terry Louis Linton, © 1977 All Rights Reserved Linton Research Fund Inc., Publication © 1987, Reproduction in whole or in part without written permission is prohibited.