BIRD Ancestors in the Revolutionary War 1776 to 1783
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Our BIRD Ancestors in the Revolutionary War 1776 to 1783
page established 2007

Linton Research Fund Inc., Publication © 1987-2024 "Digging for our Roots"

Ancestor and how they are related to Jeff Augustus "Gus" BIRD (1893-1954)
Colonel Marcus "Mark" Huling BIRD (1739-1812) 2nd great-grandfather
Washington's Crossing of the Delaware River Battle of Trenton Colonel Mark BIRD (1739-1812) 2nd great-grandfather
Colonel Thomas ROBESON (1740–1785) 2nd great-grandfather work-in-progress
Thomas GAY (1723–1784) 2nd great-grandfather work-in-progress
Three Signers of the Declaration of Independence 2nd great-granduncles
Colonel William BIRD (1757-1812) 2nd great-granduncle
Colonel George ROSS (1730-1779) 2nd great-granduncle
Fort Wilson Riot October 4, 1779 2nd great-granduncles
James WILSON, Sr., (1742-1798) 2nd great-granduncle
Patrick HENRY (1736–1799) Governor of Virginia 2nd great-granduncle
Brigadier General Francis NASH (1742-1777) 2nd great-granduncle
Lieutenant Colonel William MOORE (1730–1800) emigrant 3rd great-granduncle work-in-progress
John ROSS (1752-1776) & Elizabeth “Betsy” GRISCOM (1752-1836) 5th cousin
Adjutant General Henry STONESTREET (1752-1812) 7th cousin
Editor Note: Work-in-progress. We have over 280 documented ancestors that fought or were associated with the Revolutionary War from 1776 to 1783. I need some help getting them on the website, thanks. Please contact me at
"Washington Crossing the Delaware” by George Caleb Bingham in 1856 (public domain) depicting Washington in a Durham boat.

Linton Research Fund Inc., Publication © 1987-2023 "Digging for our Roots"
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"Thanks for Visiting, come back when you can stay longer" Terry Louis Linton © 2007
Linton Research Fund Inc., Publication © 1987-2024 “Digging for our roots”
LINTON & BIRD Chronicles
Established 1984
Quarterly Publication of the Linton Research Fund Inc.