Our Oldest BIRD Ancestors
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Our Oldest BIRD Family Tree Ancestors
page establisted April 2007

Linton Research Fund Inc., Publication © 1987-2025 "Digging for our Roots"

Our BIRD Ancestors
Terry Louis Linton © 1968-2011
LINTON & BIRD CHRONICLES, Volume VI, Issue 1, Spring © 2011, ISSN 1941-3521
updated July 11, 2022
Our oldest BIRD ancestor is John BIRD (1545–1615) born in 1545 and died on November 13, 1615, both in Dublin, Dublin, Ireland. The 10th great-grandfather of Evelyn Virginia BIRD Linton (1922-2012).
Our oldest BIRD ancestor on the GAY Branch of BIRD Family Tree is Nicholai GAY (1570-1636) born in 1570 and died in 1636 in Cardross, Dunbartonshire, Scotland. Nicholai married Mariae MUNCYE (1571–1633) in 1589 in Cardross, Dunbartonshire, Scotland. Mariae was born in 1571 and died in 1633 in Cardross, Dunbarton, Scotland. Nicholai & Mariae were the 8th great-grandparents of Drusilla GAY (1868-1948) and the 9th great-grandparents of Jeff Augustus "Gus" BIRD (1893-1954) also the 10th great-grandparents of Evelyn Virginia BIRD (1922-2012).
Our oldest BIRD ancestor on the CARROLL Branch of BIRD Family Tree is John CARROLL (1667-1733) of Lowlands, Scotland
Our oldest BIRD ancestor on the ROBESON Branch of BIRD Family Tree is Martha "Patsy" ROBESON (1731-1836) of Chester District, York County, South Carolina.
Our oldest BIRD ancestor on the ROSS Branch of BIRD Family Tree is Lord Malcolm Macheth de ROSS (1100-1168) of Orkspan style="color: #000000; font-family: 'comic sans ms', sand; font-size: small;">Our oldest BIRD ancestor on the ROSS Branch of BIRD Family Tree, on the "ATHELING" Branch of ROSS Family Tree Branch is King Hengest (445-488) of England.
Our oldest BIRD ancestor on the ROSS Branch of BIRD Family Tree, on the FRASER Branch of ROSS Family Tree Branch is Hugh FRASER (1376-1440) of Lovat, Scotland
Our oldest BIRD ancestor on the ROSS Branch of BIRD Family Tree, on the FRASER Branch of ROSS Family Tree Branch on the Janet DUNBAR (1422-1471) Branch is Thomas DUNBAR (1371-1415) of Scotland.
Our oldest BIRD ancestor on the ROSS Branch of BIRD Family Tree, on the Lady Margaret de COMYN (1217-?) of Altyre, Morayshire, Scotland, Branch is Lord Jean de CONTEVILLE (969-1087) of Conteville, Eure, Normandy, France.
Our oldest BIRD ancestor on the ROSS Branch of BIRD Family Tree, on the COMYN Branch, on the Hexilda Fitz Uchtred de TYNEDALE (1107-aft 1189) of Tynedale, Scotland, Branch is Waldef de TYNEDALE (1065-?) of Tynedale, Scotland.
Our oldest BIRD ancestor on the ROSS Branch of BIRD Family Tree, on the Lady Euphemia de BALLIOL (1249-1300) of Barnard Castle, Gainford, Durham, England, Branch is Wydo de BALLIOL (1000-?) of Abbeville, Oise, Picardie, France.
Our oldest BIRD ancestor on the Anna Catherine VAN GEZEL (1689-1748) Branch of BIRD Family Tree is Henrick Gerritsz "Gerrit" VAN GEZEL (1620-?) of the Netherlands.
Our oldest BIRD ancestor on the VAN GEZEL Branch of BIRD Family Tree on the Gertrude "Geertru" D. RAYNIERS (1665-?) of Haarlem, Nieuw Amsterdam, Long Island, New York, Branch is Williams REYNIERSZEN (1638-1709) of Oldenburgerton, Netherlands
Our oldest BIRD ancestor on the Brigitte HULING (1710-1792) Branch of HULING Family Tree is Marquis Jean Paul Frederick de HULINGUES (1531-?) of Province of Bearn, France.
Our oldest BIRD ancestor on the Margaret JONASSON-JONES (1691-1775) Branch of the HULING Family Tree is Han HANSSON (1550-?) of O Bränna, Grelsbyn, Norrb, Sweden.
Our oldest BIRD ancestor on the Ingabo Laicon YOCUM (1669-1735), of Lyckan Gunnarskog, Varmland, Sweden, Branch of the HULING Family Tree is Hans JOCHIM (1597-?) of Schleswig, Orebro, Denmark
Our oldest BIRD ancestor on the STONESTREET Branch of the Elizabeth BUTLER (1634-1698) Branch, of Morrices Help, Saint Marys County, Maryland, is John BACHECOTTE (1455-?) of Droitwich, Essex, England.
Our oldest BIRD ancestor on the STONESTREET Branch of the BUTLER Branch on the Mary THROCKMORTON (1535-1600) Branch, of Higham Ferrers, County Northamptonshire, England, is Robert de THROCKMORTON (1271-1335) of Throckmorton, County Worcestershire, England.
Our oldest BIRD ancestor on the STONESTREET Branch of the BUTLER Branch on the THROCKMORTON Branch, on the Joan BEAUFO (1470-?) Branch, of Hereford, County Warwickshire, England, is John de BEAUFO (1313-?) of Beaufo, County Oxfordshire, England.
Our oldest BIRD ancestor on the STONESTREET Branch of the BUTLER Branch on the THROCKMORTON Branch, on the BEAUFO Branch, on the Margaret WILCOTES (1314-?) of Heddington, Northleigh, County Oxfordshire, England, is William WILCOTES (1280-?) of Heddington, Northleigh, County Oxfordshire, England.
Our oldest BIRD ancestor on the STONESTREET Branch of the BUTLER Branch on the THROCKMORTON Branch, on the BEAUFO Branch, on the WILCOTES Branch on the TRILLOW Branch is Lord John TRILLOW (1254-?) of Castells, County Oxfordshire, England.
Our oldest BIRD ancestor on the STONESTREET Branch of the BUTLER Branch on the THROCKMORTON Branch, on the BEAUFO Branch, on the Elizabeth de ABBERBURY (1333-1350) Branch, of Adderbury, County Oxfordshire, England, is Richard de ABBERBURY (1235-1307) of Adderbury, Oxfordshire, England.
Our oldest BIRD ancestor on the STONESTREET Branch of the BUTLER Branch on the THROCKMORTON Branch, on the BEAUFO Branch, on the Elizabeth de ABBERBURY (1333-1350) Branch, of Adderbury, County Oxfordshire, England, is Richard de ABBERBURY (1235-1307) of Adderbury, Oxfordshire, England.
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"Thanks for Visiting, come back when you can stay longer" Terry Louis Linton © 2007
Linton Research Fund Inc., Publication © 1987-2025 “Digging for our roots"
LINTON & BIRD Chronicles
Established 1984
Quarterly Publication of the Linton Research Fund Inc.