Visitors to LINTON & BIRD Chronicles Website
Welcome to the LINTON & BIRD Chronicles
Visitors to LINTON & BIRD Chronicles Website
page established 2007
Founder of the Linton Research Fund Inc., Kirk Louis LINTON (1914-1987) and son, Kenneth "Ken" Edward LINTON going through the pasture gate, in 1949 on the Linton Family Farm in the Mount Vernon District of Fairfax County, Virginia, looking for the first issue of the LINTON & BIRD Chronicles. Photo by Evelyn Virginia BIRD Linton (1922-2012)
Traffic Summary
Terry Louis Linton © 2007
Linton Research Fund Inc., Publication © 2007
LINTON & BIRD Chronicles Volume VIII, Issue 4, Winter © 2013, ISSN 1941-3521
LINTON & BIRD Chronicles Volume XVIII, Issue 2, Summer © 2023, ISSN 1941-3521
updated November 1, 2023
LINTON & BIRD Chronicles
Established 1984
Quarterly Publication of the Linton Research Fund Inc.
The LINTON & BIRD Chronicles Website according to MYSITE MY STATISTICS has had 190,437 unique visitors between the years 2011 and 2022. (If a visitor visits more than one time in 24 hours they are only counted once)
Editor Note: only saves the yearly Traffic Summary for a certain amount of time before it is erases it, I neglected to save all these statistics from 2007 to 2011 to a file on my computer (or I have lost them over the years). (approximately 68,000)
According to MY STATISTICS the LINTON & BIRD Chronicles website had 20,457 unique visitors in the year 2022. STATISTICS
Visitors to LINTON & BIRD Chronicles Website
According to MY STATISTICS the LINTON & BIRD Chronicles website had 2,929 unique visitors in the month of October 2023, that have spent time on our sites LINTON Chronicles and the BIRD Chronicles. (If a visitor visits more than one time in 24 hours they are only counted once). The site has been up for 861 weeks. "Thanks for visiting and come back when you can stay longer" Terry Louis Linton, President Linton Research Fund Inc.
According to MY STATISTICS the LINTON & BIRD Chronicles website had 2,591 unique visitors in the month of September 2023, that have spent time on our sites LINTON Chronicles and the BIRD Chronicles. (If a visitor visits more than one time in 24 hours they are only counted once). The site has been up for 857 weeks. "Thanks for visiting and come back when you can stay longer" Terry Louis Linton, President Linton Research Fund Inc.
According to MY STATISTICS the LINTON & BIRD Chronicles website had 2,041 unique visitors in the month of August 2023, that have spent time on our sites LINTON Chronicles and the BIRD Chronicles. (If a visitor visits more than one time in 24 hours they are only counted once). The site has been up for 852 weeks. "Thanks for visiting and come back when you can stay longer" Terry Louis Linton, President Linton Research Fund Inc.
2022 total 20,457
2021 total 16,318
2020 total 8,069
December 2019.. 1,019
November 2019..... 560
October 2019..........656
September 2019... 860
August 2019............ 992
July 2019..................861
June 2019................ 849
May 2019...................824
April 2019..................803
March 2019............... 766
February 2019............795
January 2019............. 820
December 2018.......755
November 2018,.......640
October 2018........... 647
September 2018...... 742
August 2018.............. 817
July 2018................ 1069
June 2018................. 908
May 2018.................. 1099
April 2018.................... 966
March 2018.................. 1216
February 2018............... 913
January 2018.................1127
December 2017.........884
November 2017....1,034
October 2017........... 843
September 2017........852
August 2017................986
July 2017..................... 930
June 2017.................... 803
May 2017...................... 975
April 2017..................... 701
March 2017.................. 963
February 2017........ 1,247
January 2017..........1,104
Total ........11,322
December 2016...... 1,111
November 2016..... 1,231
October 201.............. 941
eptember 2016..... 1,023
August 2016............... 936
July 2016..................... 926
June 2016.................... 855
May 2016...................1,012
April 2016..................... 919
March 2016.............. 1,045
February 2016.............. 927
January 2016............. 1,142
December 2015........823
November 2015.....1,060
October 2015........1,063
September 2015....1,102
August 2015.............1,068
July 2015..................2,057
June 2015................3.019
May 2015.................3,316
April 2015...............2,175
March 2015............2,588
February 2015.........2,774
January 2015............3,333
December 2014.......3,489
November 2014.......2,752
October 2014..........2,309
September 2014......2,462
August 2014..............4,291
July 2014...................3,769
June 2014.....................1,701
May 2014.......................3,109
April 2014.....................3,522
March 2014....................1,763
February 2014..............1,506
January 2014.................1,800
December 2013....1,620
November 2013....1,483
October 2013....1,823
September 2013..1,644
August 2013..........1,522
July 2013................1,499
June 2013...............1,475
May 2013................1,477
April 2013...............1,321
March 2013.............1,311
February 2013.......1,374
January 2013........ 1,757
Total 2013...........17,901
December 2012.....1,371
November 2012.....1,429
October 2012........1,459
September 2012...1,193
August 2012...........1,170
July 2012................1,226
June 2012...............1,108
May 2012.................1,338
April 2012................1,317
March 2012..............1,420
February 2012.........1,541
January 2012...........1,606
Total 2012..............15,723
December 2011.....1,418
November 2011.....1,295
October 2011........1,301
September 2011...1,128
August 2011.............856
July 2011..................699
June 2011.................799
May 2011..................753
April 2011................ 718
March 2011..............785
February 2011.........833
January 2011............791
Total 2011............11,024
Editor Note: only saves the yearly Traffic Summary for a certain amount of time before it is erases it, I neglected to save all these statistics over the years to a file on my computer (or I have lost them over the years).
Linton Research Fund Inc., Website was established in 2007, by Terry Louis Linton.
The family newsletter, LINTON & BIRD Chronicles was established, in 1984, by Terry Louis Linton. This newsletter became the quartley publication of the Linton Research Fund Inc., in 1988. The first internet issue was dated April 11, 2007.
One of the things we do at our Annual Membership Meeting, is try an identify relives in old family photos.
If you can correctly identify the unknown two REYNOLDS or GAYs children in this family photo found in my Grandma Bird's (Clara Myrtle GRAY-SADLER 1900-1988) hope chest,
you will recieve a free year Membership to the Linton Research Fund Inc., LINTON & BIRD Chronicles. Membership in the Linton Research Fund Inc., LINTON & BIRD Chronicles includes (by request) a written historical or ancestral research on any of your LINTON or BIRD ancestors and their aligned family branches in your family tree.
Please e-mail me at For details.
Part of the Bird kids in 1941, David, Margaret, Carlton, Iva Lee, Pat, Franklin, Mary and Francis waiting in their older brother Earl’s car, while he finishes the latest issue of the LINTON & BIRD Chronicles.
Wade Farris LINTON waiting for the next issue of the LINTON & BIRD Chronicles.

Linton Research Fund Inc., © 1987-2023 "Digging for our Roots"
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LINTON Chronicles Table of Contexts
LINTON Ancestors in the Revolutionary
LINTON Ancestors in the Civil War 1861-1865
BIRD Chronicles Table of Contents
Bird Ancestors in the Revolutionary War
BIRD Ancestors in the Civil War 1861-1865
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History of the Linton Research Fund Inc., LINTON & BIRD Chronicles
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"Thanks for Visiting, come back when you can stay longer" Terry Louis Linton © 2007
Linton Research Fund Inc., Publication © 1987-2023 “Digging for our roots”
LINTON & BIRD Chronicles
Established 1984
Quarterly Publication of the Linton Research Fund Inc.