BIRD Chronicles Editor
Welcome to the BIRD Chronicles
From the BIRD Chronicles Editor
Terry Louis Linton © 2007-2024
Linton Research Fund Inc., Publication © 2007-2024
Updated August 4, 2024
Greetings, looking forward to the new year of 2024, "Thanks for Visiting, come back when you can stay longer"
Terry Louis Linton © 2007

Our LINTON & BIRD family tree on now has 43,721 relatives, 5,540 surnames, 9,497 documented marrages and over 9,000 photos copies of documents and pictures it and growing every day.
According to MY STATISTICS the LINTON & BIRD Chronicles website had 2,188 unique visitors in the month of July 2024, that spent time on our sites LINTON Chronicles and the BIRD Chronicles. (If a visitor visits more than one time in 24 hours they are only counted once). The site has been up for 900 weeks. "Thanks for visiting and come back when you can stay longer" Terry Louis Linton, President Linton Research Fund Inc.
What's New in the BIRD Chronicles
updated August 11, 2024
Jeff Augustus Gus BIRD (1893-1954) & Clara Myrtle GRAY-SADLER (1900-1988) (Brief Historical Sketch) updated August 10, 2024
“Road Trip with Mom” Evelyn Virginia BIRD Linton (1922-2012). to visit her 7th great-grand-uncle Patrick HENRY (1736–1799) Governor of Virginia new August 9, 2024
King Alfred "the Great" (848–899) “Mercia de Wessex” and the first King of England & Ealhswith of the Gaini (847–922) Princess of Mercia, "Noble strength" new August 8, 2024
LINTON & BIRD Chronicles This day in History Birthday and Anniversary updated August 7, 2024
Jeff August Gus BIRD (1893-1954) Brief Lineage Heritage updated August 1, 2024
Jeff Augustus "Gus" BIRD (1893-1954) Direct BIRD Ancestral Line updated August 1, 2024
Jeff Augustus "Gus" BIRD (1893-1954) Project Menu updated July 31, 2024
Jeff Augustus "Gus" BIRD (1893-1954) Ancestors updated July 29, 2024
Nicholai GAY (1570–1636) & Mariae MUNCYE (1571–1633) new July 28, 2024
The GAY Branch of the BIRD Family Tree updated! July 28, 2024
Janet KERR (1494-1546) Common ancestor between our Bird and Linton families new July 27, 2024
Andrew KERR (1356-1398) Knight of Shire Jedburgh & Jean CRICHTON (1357–1399) new July 27, 2024
KERR Family Tree established July 9, 2024
Andrew KERR (1386-1481) Knight of the Shire of Auldtounburn and Cessford & Lady Margaret TWEEDIE (1397–1440) LINTON & BIRD Common Ancestors new May 1 2024
LINTON & BIRD Chronicles on Facebook updated almost everyday

Linton Research Fund Inc., Publication © 1987-2024 “Digging for our roots"

Ground Breaking News! Our BIRD Family Tree has made a DRAMATIC CHANGE With the newly discovered and documented 7th great-grandparents of Thomas Jefferson BIRD (1861-1931).
Thomas BIRD Sr., (1600–1662) & Mary BELDEN (1600–1664) the just discovered “Irish emigrants” THIS IS A TOTALLY NEW TREE TOP discard your copy of the family old tree. All excising ancestors are still in our tree, just related differently now.
Now with more translated Dutch records becoming available and a new Irish Research Center opening in Dublin last year. Also with my own DNA testing and matches our BIRD family tree can be documented back to John BIRD (1545–1615) in Dublin, Ireland.
Look for upcoming articles about them in the BIRD Chronicles and follow the LINTON & BIRD Chronicles on Facebook
I have under taken the lengthy task of updating the January LINTON & BIRD Chronicles this day in history Birthdays & Anniversaries pages. This has not been updated since 2009. Over 200 new ancestors and relatives with 28 photos will be added.
This has always been a work-in-progress and I am trying to do a brief sketch on each person and how they are related to Kirk Louis LINTON (1914-1987) or Jeff Augustus "Gus" BIRD (1893-1954)
There is no easy way to do this except by researching each person and writing it by hand the computer software will not just spit-it-out for you.
So if you see a month that needs work, e-mail me at or or You can leave it on our LINTON & BIRD Blog. or LINTON & BIRD Chronicles on Facebook
Clara Myrtle GRAY-SADLER Bird (1900-1988) in 1917...My “Grandma Bird”

Clara Myrtle GRAY-SADLER Bird (1900-1988)
My “Grandma Bird”
Terry Louis Linton © 2017
Linton Research Fund Inc., Publication © 2017
LINTON & BIRD Chronicles Volume XII, Issue 4, Winter © 2017-18, ISSN 1941-3521
My “Grandma Bird” Clara Myrtle GRAY-SADLER Bird (1900-1988) was the First paying Dues Member of Linton Research Fund Inc., in 1987. Starting back in 1968, she always loved listening and taking part in my conversions about my ancestors with my Mom & Dad and Her.
In 1975, I visited her down in Haltom City, Fort Worth and handed her my first published book Linton Family History. She held it for a while without opening it up, walked into her bedroom went to her old Hope Chest took out a old document and handed to me and said “this is all I have, see what you can do with it.” It was her adopted parents marriage certificate from Annanias Norris SADLER & Margaret Eddie CURLING (1862–1925) dated January 7, 1883. She knew they were related to her and wanted to know more.
Over the years I have taken her adopted parents (her actual father & mother in laws) back to Annanias SADLER (1795–1853) from Hyde County, North Carolina. Also, back to Edmond CURLING (1840–?) from Great Bridge, Princess Ann County, Virginia.
Grandma Bird’s parents were George Irving GRAY (1874–1905) and Lula Virginia "Jennie" WILLIAMS (1874–1935?). Her WILLIAMS line has been documented to Ralphe WILLIAMS (1584–1695) of Camborne, Cornwall, England. Her CAPPS line goes back to “Finn” King of the Frisians born in 130 in Frisian, Netherlands and his wife “Hildeburh” born circa 130 her 50th great-grandparents.
I can now tell Clara Myrtle GRAY-SADLER Bird my “Grandma Bird” her direct ancestral line includes the Founder of Danville, Virginia; a governor of the Bahamas; some of the original Jamestown setters; numerous Sir Knights; a very famous English woman Pirate; numerous Vikings; hundreds of Kings & Queens not in one county but five different ones. Grandma Bird’s can be traced back 1,177 years from when she was born in 1900.

Please join me on LINTON & BIRD Chronicles on FACEBOOK everyday for updates on the LINTON Chronicles and the BIRD Chronicles
I need some help Please! , if any one finds a page that is not linked to any thing or a page that needs to be updated or spelling errors and date errors, let me know on the LINTON & BIRD BLOG or e-mail me at or or comment on the LINTON & BIRD Chronicles Facebook page.
For all the genealogical researchers that are researching the LINTON or BIRD surnames or any of our aligned surnames, please join the Linton Research Fund Inc., and have your articles published in upcoming issues of the LINTON & BIRD Chronicles.
Remenber your paid Membership Dues includes a written historical and genealogical research on any LINTON or BIRD ancestor and their aligned branches.
How to become a member of the Linton Research Fund Inc., and the LINTON & BIRD Chronicles
Contact Project Director, or
"Thanks for Visiting, come back when you can stay longer" Terry Louis Linton © 2007
Rest-In-Peace Evelyn Virginia BIRD Linton born May 17, 1922 died November 14, 2012: Vice President and Membership Director of the Linton Research Fund Inc., LINTON & BIRD Chronicles from 1987-2012; One of the last photos of her when she was in good health, Kenneth Edward LINTON, Evelyn Virginia BIRD Linton and Terry Louis LINTON on July 4, 2012, in front of Ken’s home in Bedford Texas. Photo by Ginny Linton.

Below: Terry Louis Linton, Evelyn Virginia BIRD Linton and Ken Kenneth Edward Linton Christmas December 2011 at George Washington's Mount Vernon, Mom's favorite place to visit.

US Navy Seabee, Heavy Equipment Operator Second Class, Terry Louis Linton with Seabee Team Rota, Spain, in 1970

"Junkology" and "Name-gatherers", A genealogy researcher, who is not searching for original genealogical documents and sources and most of their family tree comes from online member trees. "We must educate our new generations, that genealogy research is not a quick and easy task, real work and time are required. No instant gratification can be acquired. When you see and old history book, atlas, or old self published family history book in the flee market or on line, acquire it. Remember that next year or the next publishing the Alamo will not be in the new Texas history books, because it is becoming political incorrect. That is why my presences in research encyclopedias and research books is an ole one not an online one." Terry Louis Linton 2007.
"The practice of genealogy was first developed centuries ago to produce a single critical end-product an iron clad Pedigree, that could prove or disprove the rights of claimants to estates, titles and kingdoms." Terry L. Linton © 1977
"Reading is a complex cognitive process of decoding symbols in order to construct or derive meaning (reading comprehension). It is a means of language acquisition, of communication, and of sharing information and ideas. Like all language, it is a complex interaction between the text and the reader which is shaped by the reader’s prior knowledge, experiences, attitude, and language community which is culturally and socially situated. The reading process requires continuous practice, development, and refinement."
“We exist because of our ancestors, let’s try not to forget them”
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LINTON Ancestors in the Revolutionary
LINTON Ancestors in the Civil War 1861-1865
BIRD Chronicles Table of Contents
Bird Ancestors in the Revolutionary War 1775 - 1783
BIRD Ancestors in the Civil War 1861-1865
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History of the Linton Research Fund Inc., LINTON & BIRD Chronicles
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"Thanks for Visiting, come back when you can stay longer" Terry Louis Linton © 2007
Linton Research Fund Inc., Publication © 1987-2024 “Digging for our roots"
LINTON & BIRD Chronicles
Established 1984
Quarterly Publication of the Linton Research Fund Inc.