SOMERVILLE Branch of the LINTON Family Tree

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SOMERVILLE Branch of the LINTON Family Tree

page established April 2007 laughing 

Linton Research Fund Inc., Publication © 1987-2024 "Digging for our Roots"


Gaulter "Walter" de SÉMERVILLE (1000–1049)

Direct Linage Line

29th great-grandfather of Kirk Louis LINTON (1914-1987)


Terry Louis Linton © 1987

Linton Family History, Third Revision (Terry L. Linton © 1987) (Linton Research Fund, Inc., Publication © 1987) (printed in Spotsylvania County, Virginia, USA.)

LINTON & BIRD Chronicles Volume II, Issue 1, Spring © 2007, ISSN 1941-3521



Gaulter "Walter" de SÉMERVILLE (1000–1049) was the 29th great-grandfather of Kirk Louis LINTON (1914-1987).   Gaulter was born in 1000 in Graveron, Evreux, Somme Valley, Sémerville In Nord Normandy, France. Gaulter died in 1049 in Caen, Sémerville In Nord, Normandy, France. 


Direct Linage Line:

Gaulter "Walter" de SÉMERVILLE (1000-1049)

Gaulter de SÉMERVILLE (1030-1097) Sir knight, Lord, Barron Wychnor

Gaulter "Walter" de SÉMERVILLE (1071-1165) Barron Wychnor

Roger “Rogier” SOMERVILLE (1118-1195) Baron Wychnor

John SOMERVILLE (1150-1194) Baron Linton, Dragon Slayer, builder of Tower Linton

William SOMERVILLE (1175-1215) Lord van Linton

William SOMERVILLE (1198-1230) 4th Baron of Linton

William Van SOMERVILLE (1223-1283) Baron Lintone, Lord of Somerville

Phillip de LINTON (1251-1330) Constable of Berwick

Richard de LINTON (1273-1325) Baron

William de LINTON (1297-1325) of Castle Linton Upon Tweed, Peebles, Scotland 

William de LINTON (1318-1339) Baron

William de LINTON (1340-1400)

William LINTON (1364-?) Lord

William LINTON (1385-?) Sir Knight

Richard LINTON (1415-1471) Baron

Richard LINTON (1445-1484) Baron

Arthur LINTON (1475-1538) Baron

Arthur LINTON (1505-1585) Laird

Walter LINTON (1533-1633) Earl of Traquair, Lord Under Commissioner of the Scottish Treasury

John LINTON (1560-1632) Baron of Caberston

Arthur LINTON (1590-1646) Baron

Arthur LINTON (1622-1696) Baron

Roger LINTON (1641-1715) Baron

John LINTON (1662-1709) master carpenter, emigrate

John LINTON Jr., (1706-1761) Quaker elder

Isaiah LINTON (1739-1775) master millwright, master carpenter, miller, planter, Quaker elder

James LINTON (1769-1854) miller, mill owner, planter

Lewis Colbert LINTON (1803-1876) Doctor, planter, mill owner, tennant owner

John Edward LINTON (1838-1901) mill owner, planter, land owner

Charles Edward LINTON (1890-1958) dairy farmer, railroad brakemen

Kirk Louis LINTON (1914-1987) farmer, railroad engineer

30th great-grandfather of Kenneth Edward LINTON & Terry Louis LINTON



Linton Research Fund Inc., Publication © 1987-2024 "Digging for our Roots"

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cool "Thanks for Visiting, come back when you can stay longer" Terry Louis Linton © 2007  

Linton Research Fund Inc., Publication © 1987-2023 “Digging for our roots”

LINTON & BIRD Chronicles

Established 1984

Quarterly Publication of the Linton Research Fund Inc. laughing