Two different LINTON Family Root Trees

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Two different LINTON Family Root Trees

The Quaker Linton's of Pennsylvania & The Virginia Liniton's

Ancestors of

Charles “Charlie” Edward LINTON (1890-1954) & Annie Lucretia CRONK (1888-1956)


Terry Louis Linton © 1995

The Virginia Lintons (Brief Historical Sketch)  (book, Terry L. Linton, © 1995)  (Linton Research Fund, Inc., Publication © 1995) (printed in Spotsylvania County, Virginia. USA.)

LINTON & BIRD Chronicles Volume III, Issue 3, Fall © 2008 ISSN 1941-3521



The Quaker LINTON's of Pennsylvania 


Charles Edward LINTON (1890-1958) the father of Kirk Louis LINTON (1914-1987), on December 1, 1909, married Annie Lucretia CRONK (1888-1956) in Alexandria, Virginia. Charles’ LINTON family roots springs from the  from the Bucks County, Pennsylvanian Quakers. Charles’ 3rd great-grandfather, master carpenter, Quaker emigrant, John LINTON (1661-1709), who's, family immigrated from London, England to America on board the ship CANTERBURY, with William Penn. They landed at Newcastle, Delaware in November 1699. Then they landed in Philadelphia Harbor on December 10, 1699. 

John LINTON (1662-1709) the emigrant’s, family roots springs from Linton Tower, Parish Linton, Roxurghshire, Scotland and Lord William II de SOMERVILLE Baron Lintone (1150-1194) the slayer of the Parish Lintone Dragon in 1174. Our oldest Linton and ancestor is Gaulter de SÉMERVILLE (1000–1061) Ethnarch of Semerville the 29th great-grandfather of Kirk Louis LINTON (1914-1987). Gaulter was born in 1000 in Saint-Omer, Evreux, Somme Valley, Sémerville In Nord and died in 1061 in Caen, Sémerville In Nord, Normandy, France. Gaulter was the Ethnarch of Semerville (a Ethnarch was is a term that refers generally to political leadership over a common ethnic group or homogeneous kingdom). 


The Virginia Linton's 


Annie Lucretia CRONK's (1888-1956)'s Linton Family Roots springs from the Virginia Lintons. Annie was the great-granddaughter of Peter MILLS (1800-1855) & Cyntharine "Cynthia" LINTON ( 1796-1865) of Lintonsford Plantation, Prince William County, Virginia.

Cyntharine "Cynthia" LINTON’s (1796-1865) family roots springs from Annie's 13th great-grandfather John LINTON (1482–1548) born in 1482 in Linton, Cambridgeshire, England and died on  September 20, 1548 in Exhall, Coventry, Warwickshire, England. laughing



Charles "Charlie" Edward LINTON (1890-1958) and Annie Lucretia CRONK Linton (1888-1956), in 1951 setting in the living room of their daughter, Florence Avis LINTON Beavers (1912-1990). (Photo taken by Florence)

Linton Research Fund Inc., Publication © 1987-2023 "Digging for our Roots"



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 "Thanks for Visiting, come back when you can stay longer" Terry Louis Linton © 2007 wink


Linton Research Fund Inc., Publication © 1987-2023






Below Photo: Charles "Charlie" Edward LINTON (1890-1958) Annie Lucretia CRONK Linton (1888-1956) on an "Outing on the Blueridge Parkway in 1930". This photo taken by either Florence Avis LINTON Beavers (1912-1990)  or Madeline "Madge" Elizabeth LINTON Bly (1922-1991)  (and, yes they did cut off Charley's hat and Annie's feet, not me.)