Robert MAITLAND (1355-1434)

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Sir knight Robert MAITLAND (1369-1434) Knight of Shire of Thirlestane and Lethington & Lady Maria ABERNETHY (1359–1431)

Linton Research Fund Inc., Publication © 1987-2020 "Digging for our Roots"


Robert MAITLAND (1355-1434) Knight of Shire of Thirlestane and Lethington

& Lady Maria ABERNETHY (1359–1431)


Terry Louis Linton © 2020

Linton Research Fund Inc., © 2020

LINTON & BIRD Chronicles Volume XV, Issue 1, Spring © 2020, ISSN 1941-3521


Sir knight Robert MAITLAND (1369-1434) & Lady Maria ABERNETHY (1359–1431) were the 13th great-grandparents of Jeff Augustus "Gus" BIRD (1893-1954) and the 14th great-grandparents of Evelyn Virginia BIRD Linton (1922-2012).  Robert’s ancestors came to Britain in 1066 with William the Conqueror and settled in Northumberland from Les Moitiers d’Allonne, in the Cotentin Peninsula of Normandy.

Sir knight Robert MAITLAND (1369–1434) Knight of the Shire of Thirlestane and Lethington was born in 1369 in Thirlestane Castle and died in 1434 at the age of 65 in Thirlestane Castle, Berwickshire, Scotland. Thirlestane Castle was the stronghold of the Clan Maitland built in circa 1260, by Sir knight Richard MAITLAND. The large Border fort was built on the raised ground site known as castile hill to defend the approach to Edinburgh from the south near Lauder in the valley of Leader Water, Berwickshire.

In 1379, Robert married Lady Maria ABERNETHY (1359–1431) in Berwickshire, Scotland. Maria was born in 1359 in Crichton, Midlothian, Scotland and died at Thirlestane Castle, Berwickshire, Scotland in 1431 at the age of 72.

Sir knight Robert was elected the Knight of the Shire of Thirlestane and Lethington representing the constituency there. One of the requirements of the Knight of the Shire beside being a knight was to be educated and was it was the formal title for a member of parliament representing a constituency in the House of Commons.

Robert & Maria had one known child, Margaret Agnes MAITLAND (1385-1421). Margaret was born in 1385, in Crichton, Midlothian, Scotland and died in 1421 in Edinburgh, Midlothian, Scotland. Margaret married Sir Knight George CRICHTON (1382–1454) Earl of Caithness, Captain of Stirling Castle, High Admiral of Scotland, "1st And last". 



below: Thirlestane Castle was the stronghold of the Clan Maitland built in circa 1260, by Sir knight Richard Maitland near Lauder in the valley of Leader Water, Berwickshire, Scotland .....(photo © copyright creative commons attribution share-alike)

Robert MAITLAND (1355-1434) Knight of Shire of Thirlestane and Lethington

& Lady Maria ABERNETHY (1359–1431)


Terry Louis Linton © 2020

Linton Research Fund Inc., © 2020

LINTON & BIRD Chronicles Volume XV, Issue 1, Spring © 2020, ISSN 1941-3521




Direct Ancestral Linage:


Sir knight Robert MAITLAND (1355-1434) Knight of the Shire of Thirlestane and Lethington

Lady Margaret Agnes MAITLAND (1385-1421)

Lady Georgina CRICHTON (1413-1474)

Sir knight, Lord George TURNBULL (1453-1522)

Isabella TURNBULL (1502-1570)

William ROBESON (1523-1582)

John ROBESON (1560-1608)

William ROBESON (1589-1619)

John ROBESON (1617-1681)

Chief Justice General Andrew ROBESON (1654-1719 emigrant

Thomas ROBESON (1698-1773)

Colonel Thomas ROBESON (1740-1785)

Martha "Patsy" ROBESON (1771-1836)

George BIRD Jr. (1821-1888)

Thomas Jefferson BIRD (1861-1931)

13th Jeff Augustus "Gus" BIRD (1893-1954)

14th Evelyn Virginia BIRD (1922-2012)

15th great-grandparents of Kenneth Edward LINTON & Terry Louis LINTON

Maitland coat of arms. Motto Consilio Et Animis (By wisdom and courage)......copyright © House Of Names