George Charles Godwin GRAY (1874-?)

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Welcome to

George Charles Godwin GRAY (1874-?)

father of

Clara Myrtle GRAY-SADLER Bird (1900-1988)

                                                           Terry Louis Linton © 1987

 First Published) Direct Genealogy Lineage of Thomas Jefferson Bird Sr. (1861-1931) And Drusilla Gay (1867-1948) (book, Terry L. Linton © 1987) (Linton Research Fund, Inc., Publication © 1987) (First Revision, February © 1989) (Second Revision, December, © 1991, (Third Revision, May, © 1995,) (printed in Spotsylvania County, Virginia, USA)

LINTON & BIRD Chronicles, Volume VIII, Issue 1, Spring © 2013, ISSN 1941-3521

Clara Myrtle Gray (1900-1988) was the daughter of George Charles Godwin GRAY (1874-?) and Lula Virginia "Ginny" WILLIAMS ( 1874- ?). According to the 1900 census, George was born in 1874 in Pennsylvania. Little is known about him. In July 1900, George left his wife, Ginny, leaving her to raise their 5 small children. Clara wrote on the back of her father's picture: "George or Charles Godwin Gray", "I don't know where he is from. He left when I was 4 weeks old to see about a job. "We think he must have gotten a steady job as no one never saw him again." Clara’s mother, Ginny was born in 1874, in Seaboard, Princess Anne County, Virginia.

George Charles Godwin GRAY (1874-?) circa 1889

How are you related to

George Charles Godwin GRAY (1874-?)

father of

Clara Myrtle GRAY-SADLER Bird (1900-1988)

