Franklin Delano "Buddy" BIRD Photo Gallery

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LINTON & BIRD CHRONICLES, Volume IV, Issue 4, Winter © 2009-2010, ISSN 1941-3521

Welcome to the

Franklin Delano "Buddy" BIRD Photo Gallery

All images and text Copyright Linton Research Fund, Inc., © 1987-2009

All Rights Reserved

LINTON & BIRD CHRONICLES Volume V, Issue 3, Fall © 2009, ISSN 1941-3521


Buddy's Photo Gallery is being updated constantly and is a work in progress!

Do You Have any photos you want to add?

Updated, November 4, 2009


Bird Family in 1941 in Earl's Car, David, Margaret, Carlton, Iva Lee, Pat, Franklin, Mary and Francis

Bird Family, coming home from Riverside Elementary School, April 23 1941, bottom row Francis, David, Carlton, Buddy, top row Iva Lee, Donald & Margaret

Buddy in 1948

Buddy home from the Air Force, Christmas 1953: Jeff & Clara Bird. Christmas 1953, with their 16 children. Top row from left to right: David Brewer (1938-1997); Donald Milton (1926-1999); Guy Edward (1918-1957); Albert Irvin (1925); Franklin Delano (1934); Jeff Augustus, Jr. (1923); Earl Alford (1919-1991); Carlton Norris (1931-2002); Bottom Row Left to Right: Iva Lee (1930-1993); Evelyn Virginia (1922); Patricia Margie (1941); Beatrice Jean (1942); Jeff Augustus Bird (1893-1954); Clara Myrtle Gray Bird (1900-1988); Margaret Druslla (1928); Frances Dell (1934); Mary Louise (1936); Myrtle Elizabeth (1921-1996)

Buddy and Rita, Re-taking of their marriage vowels in 2008 : seated, Rita Aline PULLIAM Bird, standing Mary Louise BIRD Gill, Sherry Lee NORWOOD Armstrong, Franklin Delano "Buddy" BIRD, Margaret Drusilla BIRD Norwood and Vera Lee MARTIN Bird.

Clara's 80th Birthday, June 14, 1980: Bottom row left to right; Patricia "Pat" Margie BIRD Bronstad, Beatrice Jean "Betty" BIRD Jensen, Frances Dell BIRD Shivers, Clara Myrtle GRAY Bird (1900-1988), Maragaret Drusilla BIRD Norwood, Myrtle Elizabeth BIRD Dougall Holzapfel (1921-1996), David Brewer BIRD (1938-1997), Iva Lee BIRD Bryant (1930-1993), Mary Louise BIRD Gill, Donald Milton BIRD (1926-1999), Franklin Delano "Buddy" BIRD, Evelyn Virginia BIRD Linton, Albert Irvin BIRD (1925-2008), J. A. "Jeff Augustus" "Snookum" "Jimmie" BIRD, Carlton Norris "Buster" BIRD (1931-2002) and Earl Alford BIRD (1919-1991).

Bird Family in the back yard of Evelyn’s home: Bottom row; Frances Dell BIRD Shivers, Maragaret Drusilla BIRD Norwood, Patricia "Pat" Margie BIRD Bronstad, David Brewer BIRD (1938-1997). Standing: Franklin Delano "Buddy" BIRD, Mary Louise BIRD Gill, Iva Lee BIRD Bryant (1930-1993), Myrtle Elizabeth BIRD Dougall Holzapfel (1921-1996), Evelyn Virginia BIRD Linton, Albert Irvin BIRD (1925-2008)