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Terry Louis Linton © 2010

LINTON & BIRD Chronicles, Volume V, Issue 4, Winter © 2010-2011, ISSN 1941-3521


This Thanksgiving will be the sixty-third Anniversary of the Fifteen To feast On Turkey, Bird Family Thanksgiving To Be One of City's Biggest. FOR A BIG THANKSGIVING That’s a 30 pound premium turkey that Donald Bird is sliding into the oven out at the J. A. Bird residence 809 E. Bluff. A few of the 16 children in the family looking on, from left to right are Frances, 13; Mary 11; Earl 28; holding Betty, 5; Patricia, 6 in front of Mr. And Mrs Bird and Carlton 16.

From The Fort Worth Press

November © 1947


Bird Family Thanksgiving

To Be One of City’s Biggest

One of the biggest Thanksgiving celebrations in Fort Worth, Thursday will be held at the J. A. Bird home, 809 E. Bluff.

It’ll be a big event in the first place because there are 16 children in the family, besides mamma and papa. Then secondly there’s to be a thirty pound premium turkey — one of the best that money can buy — to crown their Thanksgiving table.

Only 13 of the children will be present, however, three of them, Albert who is with the occupation forces in Germany; Jeff in California, and Evelyn in Virginia, will not be at the table.

Donald, 21, a former cook with the U. S. Navy (Army) is to be in charge of cooking operations at the home Thursday, allowing his mother to take a rest from her daily chores.

They are rather heavy chores for her, considering that she gets seven children off to school each morning.

Theirs is the largest family in the Fort Worth Public School System and has been for a number of years. Attending the Charles E. Nash Elementary School are Patricia, 6; David, 9; Mary, 11, and Franklin Delano, 13 Frances Dell, Franklin’s twin ; Carlton, 16 and Iva Lee, 17, all are students at Amon Carter Riverside High School, Betty 5, the youngest in the family will start to school next year as Iva Lee is graduated from high school.

Others in the family include Margaret, 19; Myrtle, 26, Earl 28, and Edward, 29

Holidays like thanksgiving and Christmas always bring the family closer together. On Thursday, they’ll enjoy a meal with turkey and all the traditional holidayfare.

The premium turkey was exhibited at the Southwest Turkey Breeders Exposition here last week was purchased for $50 by John B. Collier III during an auction sale Saturday at Pioneer Palace and presented to the Bird family.

The 30-pound turkey barely would go into the oven of the family stove.



1. Title: The Fort Worth press. : (Fort Worth, Tex.) 1921-19??, Place of publication: Fort Worth, Tex. Geographic coverage: Fort Worth, Tarrant, Texas Publisher: Leon N. Siler Dates of publication: 1921-19?? Description: Vol. 1, no. 1 (Oct. 3, 1921)- Frequency: Daily (except Sat.) Language: English LCCN: sn 86089076 OCLC: 14218821. SUMMARY HOLDING: Fort Worth Pub Libr, Ft Worth, TX View more titles from this institution Dates Available: 1921-1944, 1946-1975 Last updated: 07/1993 Available as: Microfilm Service Copy Dates: <1921:10:3-1944:6:30> <1946:1:1-1975:5:30> Last updated: 07/1993

LINTON & BIRD Chronicles, Volume V, Issue 4, Winter © 2010-2011, ISSN 1941-3521
